Bosherston Church - Marriage Register
?, Abra to Thomas? John 1670
?, Jane to William Llewhelling 28 9 1679
Absalom, Doris to William Nicholas 30 6 1951
Absalom, Enoch to Mary Rogers 14 8 1913
Adams, Joseph to Mary Thomas 14 10 1775
Adams, Mary to Lewis Hay 17 8 1858
Adams, Philippa (Mrs.) to Bulkeley Philipps 28 3 1741
Alderman, Stephen to Sara Jefcoate 25 10 1986
Allen, Elizabeth to Edward Goodeve 25 4 1867
Allport, Elizabeth to Daniel Roberts 21 12 1840
Ash, Jane to Edward Trewent 29 10 1715
Ash, John to Laetitia Soldon? 29 6 1703
Ash, John to Hannah (widow) Gaylord 19 6 1735
Ash, Lettice to John Wilkin 11 7 1713
Ash, Richard to Margaret John 20 7 1703
Bannell, Henry to Phoebe Johns 26 12 1908
Bannell, Phoebe to John Thomas 11 5 1922
Barker, Peter to Christine Henton 24 9 1977
Barrington, Edward to Mary Owens 23 11 1895
Bartlett, John to Margaret Lloyd 30 10 1777
Bateman, Haydn Sidney to Kathleen Mary James 28 9 1968
Bateman, Joseph to Margaret Vaughan 12 11 1808
Bateman, Sidney to Anne Lewis 4 6 1910
Bateman, Thomas to Mary Eynon 16 11 1782
Beddow, Mary to John Morris 23 10 1880
Bernard, Hector to Sarah Beynon 13 9 1812
Bevans, John to Mary Hughes 6 11 1790
Bevans, Lewis to Elizabeth Hitchings 2 2 1736
Bevans, Mary to John Roch 25 11 1704
Bevin, Elizabeth to John Phillips 31 10 1675
Beynon, Janetta to John Wall 17 1 1826
Beynon, John to Sarah Eynon 17 9 1785
Beynon, Margaret Rose to Ivor Ronald Henton 8 6 1957
Beynon, Mary to George Williams 12 7 1851
Beynon, Sarah to Hector Bernard 13 9 1812
Beynon, Thomas to Elizabeth Davies 8 4 1786
Beynon, Thomas to Elizabeth Llewhellin 24 7 1796
Beynon, William to Isabella Smith 13 1 1934
Bowen, Dinah to William Eynon 24 11 1792
Bowen, Elizabeth to Lewis Edwards 6 9 1845
Bowen, Eric to Gwyneth June Cole 7 10 1959
Bowen, Hannah to James Roberts 4 11 1837
Bowen, James to Catherine Furlong 14 3 1843
Bowen, John to Elizabeth Griffiths 24 12 1831
Bowen, Mary to Joseph Phelp 18 7 1829
Bowen, Rebecca to Benjamin James 3 1 1801
Bowen, Rees to Mary (widow) Jenkinson 7 8 1735
Bowen, William to Elizabeth Stevens 17 3 1804
Bowen, William to Florence Dyson 15 7 1934
Brace, Anne to John Davies 8 10 1846
Brace, John to Sarah Laless 18 2 1758
Brace, William to Hannah Griffiths 21 4 1850
Brinning, Anne to John Llewhellin 2 12 1797
Brinning, Benjamin to Frances Saise 23 10 1779
Brown, Frank to Jacqueline Clark 20 4 1985
Brown, Mary to William Jones 8 10 1732
Busby, Clare to Kevin Stone 4 10 1980
Butler, Abra to Henry Dawkins 3 8 1717
Butler, Roseanna to Thomas Furlong 6 9 1818
Canton, Eleanor to William Wilkin 7 11 1726
Canton, Henry to Norma Howells 6 10 1956
Canton, Margaret to Richard Davies 3 7 1926
Canton, William to Mary Llewhelling 22 3 1823
Castle, Joan to John Hendy 2 6 1707
Charite, Hesther to George Seaborn 21 11 1857
Charrette, James to Martha James 28 2 1852
Clark, Deborah to Dieter Muller 1 9 1979
Clark, Jacqueline to Frank Brown 20 4 1985
Clark, Kim Angus to Kim Louise Thomas 2 8 1980
Coats, Brigitte to Richard Staden 16 9 1989
Cole, Gwyneth June to Eric Thomas Bowen 7 10 1859
Cole, James to Martha Davies 15 11 1845
Cole, Thomas to Anne Matthews 25 4 1874
Cole, William to Abra White 17 11 1705
Colle, David to Franci Freeman 7 9 1688
Corder, Harry to Violet Evans 9 4 1940
Courtenay, Peter (Revd.) to Mary (Mrs.) Jones 26 11 1739
Cray, Thomas to Charlotte Johns 18 2 1911
Crisp, Terrance to Eileen Nicholas 4 6 1955
Crisp, William to Emma McFee 3 6 1876
Dally, William to Elizabeth Davies 31 8 1789
Daventry, Henry to Martha Phelp 16 9 1703
David, Elizabeth to Philip Leach 19 6 1750
David, John to Sarah Reece 19 5 1789
Davies, Alice to George Evans 11 7 1912
Davies, Ann to William Hall 29 4 1848
Davies, Benjamin to Jane Williams 4 1 1807
Davies, Benjamin to Margaret Howells 15 8 1885
Davies, Caroline to Samuel Harris 28 6 1842
Davies, David to Elizabeth Davies 27 5 1917
Davies, David to Margaret Davies 9 7 1938
Davies, Elizabeth to Thomas Beynon 8 4 1786
Davies, Elizabeth to William Dally 31 8 1789
Davies, Elizabeth to William Evans 17 12 1796
Davies, Elizabeth to George Dawkins 11 10 1806
Davies, Elizabeth to William Harris 30 10 1819
Davies, Elizabeth to David Davies 27 5 1917
Davies, Frances to John Johns 8 10 1881
Davies, George to Rebecca Freeman 21 3 1784
Davies, Henry to Margaret Dawkins 13 10 1827
Davies, James to Elizabeth Edwards 12 10 1822
Davies, James to Jane Powell 4 3 1837
Davies, James Vaughan to Elma Maud James 9 10 1965
Davies, John to Elizabeth Hitchings 4 10 1796
Davies, John to Anne Brace 8 10 1846
Davies, John to Martha Griffiths 25 3 1873
Davies, Kathleen to Robert Hawkins 22 10 1938
Davies, Levi to Anne John 14 10 1837
Davies, Margaret to David Davies 9 7 1938
Davies, Martha to James Cole 15 11 1845
Davies, Mary to John Philps 13 6 1698
Davies, Mary to William Nicholas 15 2 1853
Davies, Olive to William Williams 29 4 1931
Davies, Richard to Margaret Canton 3 7 1926
Davies, Stephen to Elizabeth Nash 21 8 1814
Davies, Thomas to Ellen Evans 3 9 1912
Davies, William to Martha Evans 12 8 1897
Davies, William to Alice Murray 26 11 1936
Davis, Elizabeth to James Kerne 1 2 1717
Davis, Mary to James Stevens 28 9 1839
Davy, John to Elizabeth Llewellyn 21 8 1784
Dawkins, George to Elizabeth Davies 11 10 1806
Dawkins, George to Mary Herbert 22 10 1836
Dawkins, Henry to Abra Butler 3 8 1717
Dawkins, Henry to Elizabeth Howell 12 8 1770
Dawkins, James to Catherine Edwards 29 5 1819
Dawkins, Jane to James Hill 5 10 1872
Dawkins, John to Elizabeth Thomas 22 1 1791
Dawkins, Lewis to Jane Edwards 26 7 1789
Dawkins, Margaret to Henry Davies 13 10 1827
Dawkins, Mary to Lewis? Dawkins? Lewis? 10 1 1719
Dawkins, Mary to George Phillips 26 1 1828
Dawkins, Sarah to Alexander Llewhellin 27 3 1780
Dawkins, William to Elizabeth Powell 7 4 1827
Dawkins? Lewis?, Lewis? to Mary Dawkins 10 1 1719
Duggan, Thomas to Elizabeth Thomas 2 10 1703
Dyson, Ada to Stanley Reynolds 13 7 1930
Dyson, Elizabeth to William Rees 7 11 1931
Dyson, Florence to William Bowen 15 7 1934
Dyson, Frank to Florence Hall 2 6 1917
Dyson, John to Minnie Rees 25 10 1930
Dyson, Martha to William Nicholas 30 3 1930
Dyson, William Frederick to Martha Richards 24 12 1895
Edwards, Alfred to Annie Rogers 29 12 1914
Edwards, Ann to William Richards 16 12 1849
Edwards, Catherine to James Dawkins 29 5 1819
Edwards, David to Mary Thomas 13 11 1718
Edwards, Elizabeth to James Davies 12 10 1822
Edwards, Elizabeth to George Edwards 26 9 1846
Edwards, George to Annm Thomas 23 10 1742
Edwards, George to Elizabeth Lloyd 17 7 1834
Edwards, George to Elizabeth Edwards 26 9 1846
Edwards, Gladys to Austin Williams 4 8 1917
Edwards, James to Elizabeth Hitchings 26 10 1790
Edwards, Jane to Lewis Dawkins 26 7 1789
Edwards, Jane to John Evans 9 1 1820
Edwards, Lewis to Elizabeth Bowen 6 9 1845
Edwards, Margaret to William Roblin 5 5 1827
Edwards, Martha to George Reynolds 17 9 1887
Edwards, Mary to Henry Rogers 24 1 1819
Edwards, Thomas to Anne Leach 2 1 1790
Edwards, Thomas to Anne Llewellin 10 11 1821
Edwards, William to Mary Prout 29 12 1745
Edwards, William to Eliza Stevens 22 10 1853
Evans, Brian to Jillian Wiles 26 8 1978
Evans, Dorothy to David Thomas 10 11 1696
Evans, Edwin to Emma Howells 10 2 1920
Evans, Elizabeth to James Furlong 8 4 1843
Evans, Elizabeth to Richard Stephens 16 9 1854
Evans, Ellen to Thomas Davies 3 9 1912
Evans, Ethel to Albert Watkins 3 9 1912
Evans, Florence to William Jenkins 5 2 1910
Evans, Frances to George Hindmarsh 2 12 1882
Evans, George to Jemima Evans 20 11 1883
Evans, George to Alice Davies 11 7 1912
Evans, James to Jane Stephens 2 5 1846
Evans, Jemima to George Evans 20 11 1883
Evans, John to Jane Edwards 9 1 1820
Evans, John to Martha Thomas 17 9 1825
Evans, John to Elizabeth Lewis 2 10 1869
Evans, Judith to Philip Thompson 14 10 1972
Evans, Margaret to Joseph Hall 13 10 1849
Evans, Martha to William Williams 30 11 1850
Evans, Martha to William Davies 12 8 1897
Evans, Mary to George Lewis 14 10 1882
Evans, Muriel to William Jones 6 5 1924
Evans, Richard to Martha James 24 4 1858
Evans, Susannah to William Rees 2 8 1767
Evans, Violet to Harry Corder 9 4 1940
Evans, William to Elizabeth Reynolds 6 12 1783
Evans, William to Elizabeth Leach 13 1 1788
Evans, William to Elizabeth Davies 17 12 1796
Evans, William to Margaret Llewhelyn 3 9 1836
Evans, William to Sarah James 10 8 1861
Eynon, Diana to Benjamin John 8 10 1803
Eynon, John to Elizabeth Laless 24 2 1749
Eynon, Mary to Thomas Bateman 16 11 1782
Eynon, Sarah to John Beynon 17 9 1785
Eynon, William to Dinah Bowen 24 11 1792
Freeman, Elizabeth to Francis Lloyd 6 3 1753
Freeman, Frances to Isaac Lloyd 22 10 1754
Freeman, Franci to David Colle 7 9 1688
Freeman, Rebecca to George Davies 21 3 1784
Furlong, Catherine to James Bowen 14 3 1843
Furlong, Elizabeth to George Morris 27 7 1862
Furlong, James to Elizabeth Evans 8 4 1843
Furlong, Margaret to William Harries 19 11 1932
Furlong, Martha to James Hall 3 6 1871
Furlong, Thomas to Roseanna Butler 6 9 1818
Gay, Sarah to George Henton 24 9 1870
Gaylord, Hannah (widow) to John Ash 19 6 1735
Gettings, Lewis to Ann Protheroe 18 12 1847
Gettings, Rebekah to John Russiter 20 3 1842
Gibbon, Elizabeth to John Owen 29 9 1730
Gibbs, John to Jane Scourfield 8 11 1806
Gibbs, William to Margaret Griffith 31 10 1789
Gibby, George to Elizabeth Griffith 15 1 1861
Goodeve, Edward to Elizabeth Allen 25 4 1867
Gordanier, Marie to Harold James 27 8 1949
Gordon, Rosa to Alfred Sears 16 9 1931
Gough, Robert to Elizabeth Hay 18 8 1883
Greenhalgh, Vivien to Steven Griffiths 20 7 1974
Gregory, John to Maria Sanly? (widow) 31 7 1871
Grenfell, Eleanor to Thomas Leyshon 15 6 1878
Griffith, Elizabeth to John Hoskins 17 10 1702
Griffith, Elizabeth to George Gibby 15 1 1861
Griffith, Humphrey to Elinor John 20 10 1722
Griffith, Jane to Henry Long 10 10 1772
Griffith, John to Mary White 8 10 1737
Griffith, John to Martha Powell 29 11 1879
Griffith, Margaret to William Gibbs 31 10 1789
Griffith, Margaret to George Rees 20 2 1813
Griffiths, David to Mary Jones 22 1 1850
Griffiths, Eliza to John Rogers 28 9 1882
Griffiths, Elizabeth to Richard Watkins 1 8 1778
Griffiths, Elizabeth to John Bowen 24 12 1831
Griffiths, Gladys Elizabeth to Joseph Lock Morris 25 2 1908
Griffiths, Hannah to William Brace 21 4 1850
Griffiths, James to Mary Griffiths 4 11 1871
Griffiths, John to Frances Howells 24 9 1872
Griffiths, Mark to Fanny Stephens 22 12 1866
Griffiths, Martha to John Davies 25 3 1873
Griffiths, Martha to John White 23 7 1890
Griffiths, Mary to Thomas Rees 6 10 1804
Griffiths, Mary to James Griffiths 4 11 1871
Griffiths, Richard to Sarah Walters 13 12 1856
Griffiths, Rowland to Mary Jones 25 2 1781
Griffiths, Sarah to William Jones 1 12 1832
Griffiths, Sarah to James Thomas 30 1 1866
Griffiths, Steven to Vivien Greenhalgh 20 7 1974
Griffiths, Thomas to Mary Williams 11 12 1919
Hall, Eleanor to Henry Thomas 1 9 1726
Hall, Florence to Frank Dyson 2 6 1917
Hall, James to Martha Furlong 3 6 1871
Hall, Jane to Charles Moore 14 2 1874
Hall, Joseph to Margaret Evans 13 10 1849
Hall, Stephen to Miriam Jones 25 7 1885
Hall, William to Ann Davies 29 4 1848
Harries, George to Anne Hitchings 31 12 1814
Harries, William to Margaret Furlong 19 11 1932
Harris, Ann to Thomas Stevens 17 9 1836
Harris, George to Mary Webb 1 11 1834
Harris, Samuel to Caroline Davies 28 6 1842
Harris, William to Elizabeth Davies 30 10 1819
Hart, Alistair to Nicola Wheeler 18 6 1994
Hawkins, Robert to Kathleen Davies 22 10 1938
Hay, Elizabeth to Robert Gough 18 8 1883
Hay, Graham to Nesta Dorothy Howells 29 8 1964
Hay, John to Alice Williams 12 12 1812
Hay, Lewis to Mary Adams 17 8 1858
Hay, William to Anne Scourfield 12 11 1836
Hendy, Abra to Thomas Philp 26 11 1682
Hendy, John to Joan Castle 2 6 1707
Henn, Ann to Richard Philp 3 10 1727
Henton, Christine to Peter Barker 24 9 1977
Henton, Erica to Mark Josey 31 10 1987
Henton, George to Sarah Gay 24 9 1870
Henton, Ivor Ronald to Margaret Rose Beynon 8 6 1957
Herbert, Mary to George Dawkins 22 10 1836
Hicks, Elizabeth to John Jones 4 11 1871
Hill, James to Jane Dawkins 5 10 1872
Hindmarsh, George to Frances Evans 2 12 1882
Hitching, Abra to John Hitching 29 9 1731
Hitching, Elizabeth to John Wilkin 19 10 1734
Hitching, George to Mary Williams 23 10 1715
Hitching, John to Abra Hitching 29 9 1731
Hitchings, Ann to David Jones 31 12 1812
Hitchings, Anne to Francis Lloyd 11 1 1789
Hitchings, Anne to George Harries 31 12 1814
Hitchings, Elizabeth to Lewis Bevans 2 2 1736
Hitchings, Elizabeth to Richard Scale 4 8 1747
Hitchings, Elizabeth to Isaac Lloyd 3 11 1778
Hitchings, Elizabeth to James Edwards 26 10 1790
Hitchings, Elizabeth to John Davies 4 10 1796
Hitchings, Henry to Mary Hitchings 27 7 1809
Hitchings, John to Rebekkah Wilkins 22 11 1765
Hitchings, Martha to George Thomas 31 10 1811
Hitchings, Mary to George Thomas 20 10 1793
Hitchings, Mary to Henry Hitchings 27 7 1809
Hitchings, Mary to Henry Peters 3 4 1893
Hitchings, William to Margaret Lloyd 14 11 1848
Hoskins, John to Elizabeth Griffith 17 10 1702
Howell, Elizabeth to Henry Dawkins 12 8 1770
Howell, Thomas to Elizabeth James 1 8 1874
Howells, Anne to William Howells 28 4 1877
Howells, Edith to William Nicholas 26 12 1914
Howells, Eleanor to Walter Williams 4 4 1934
Howells, Emma to Edwin Evans 10 2 1920
Howells, Esther to John Lewis 30 8 1890
Howells, Frances to John Griffiths 24 9 1872
Howells, Frances to Stephen White 27 10 1903
Howells, Jane to James Lloyd 8 4 1906
Howells, Margaret to Benjamin Davies 15 8 1885
Howells, Margaret to Thomas Lewis 18 9 1913
Howells, Martha to John Morris 8 10 1881
Howells, Martha Jane to George Smith 9 6 1908
Howells, Nesta Dorothy to Graham Hay 29 8 1964
Howells, Norma to Henry Canton 6 10 1956
Howells, Richard to Lilian Lewis 26 10 1935
Howells, Thomas to Martha Scourfield 28 12 1839
Howells, William to Martha Russiter 4 10 1862
Howells, William to Anne Howells 28 4 1877
Hughes, James to Lettice Thomas 7 10 1727
Hughes, Mary to John Bevans 6 11 1790
Hughs, William to Mary Philps 2 2 1671
Husband, Elizabeth to Charles Tanket 12 11 1720
Husband?, John to Mary Wilkins 4 8 1696
Isitt, John to Elizabeth Wilkasson 29 11 1828
James, Albert to Alice Johns 21 10 1916
James, Benjamin to Rebecca Bowen 3 1 1801
James, David to Jane Leach 25 5 1786
James, Eleanor to David Lewis 24 6 1725
James, Elizabeth to John Newton 18 10 1853
James, Elizabeth to Thomas Howell 1 8 1874
James, Harold to Marie Gordanier 27 8 1949
James, John to Elizabeth Walters 21 8 1869
James, Joseph to Martha Thomas 21 10 1865
James, Kathleen Mary to Haydn Sidney Bateman 28 9 1968
James, Martha to George Walters 6 11 1841
James, Martha to James Charrette 28 2 1852
James, Martha to Richard Evans 24 4 1858
James, Mary to Griffith Tankerd 13 6 1696
James, Mary to James Thomas 16 8 1904
James, Muriel to William John 18 1 1947
James, Sarah to William Evans 10 8 1861
James, Sharon to Benjamin Morgan 12 8 1978
James, Susan to Michael O'Brien 29 3 1975
Jaynor?, Pembrock to Elizabeth Smith 2 4 1698
Jefcoate, Sara to Stephen Alderman 25 10 1986
Jeffreys, Mary to Thomas Webb 21 10 1828
Jenkins, William to Jane Morris 16 11 1878
Jenkins, William to Florence Evans 5 2 1910
Jenkinson, Mary (widow) to Rees Bowen 7 8 1735
Jermyn, Elizabeth to George Williams 8 6 1731
John, Anne to Levi Davies 14 10 1837
John, Benjamin to Diana Eynon 8 10 1803
John, Catren to David John 29 10 1686
John, David to Catren John 29 10 1686
John, David to Margaret Walters 15 11 1856
John, Elinor to Humphrey Griffith 20 10 1722
John, James to Jane Jones 20 9 1794
John, Margaret to Richard Ash 20 7 1703
John, Martha to Peter Rees 13 5 1848
John, Robert to Mary Matthews 16 11 1861
John, Thomas to Catherine Tenant 1 10 1743
John, Thomas to Frances Stevens 15 1 1843
John, Thomas? to Abra ? 1670
John, William to Muriel James 18 1 1947
Johns, Alice to Albert James 21 10 1916
Johns, Charlotte to Thomas Cray 18 2 1911
Johns, John to Frances Davies 8 10 1881
Johns, Phoebe to Henry Bannell 26 12 1908
Jones, Ann to Humphrey Jones 14 3 1809
Jones, David to Ann Reynolds 3 4 1738
Jones, David to Elizabeth Skone 14 10 1759
Jones, David to Ann Hitchings 31 12 1812
Jones, Elizabeth to Henry Skone 6 1 1758
Jones, Elizabeth (widow) to Jeremiah (Rector) Philips 20 11 1733
Jones, Evan to Janet White 25 5 1702
Jones, Herbert to Helena Morris 30 4 1924
Jones, Humphrey to Ann Jones 14 3 1809
Jones, Jane to James John 20 9 1794
Jones, John to Sarah Scourfield 31 12 1853
Jones, John to Elizabeth Hicks 4 11 1871
Jones, Martha to John Wilkin 28 5 1782
Jones, Mary to Arthur Steward 30 7 1734
Jones, Mary to Rowland Griffiths 25 2 1781
Jones, Mary to David Griffiths 22 1 1850
Jones, Mary (Mrs.) to Peter (Revd.) Courtenay 26 11 1739
Jones, Miriam to Stephen Hall 25 7 1885
Jones, Rebecca to William Jones 19 10 1799
Jones, William to Mary Brown 8 10 1732
Jones, William to Rebecca Jones 19 10 1799
Jones, William to Sarah Griffiths 1 12 1832
Jones, William to Muriel Evans 6 5 1924
Josey, Mark to Erica Henton 31 10 1987
Kerne, James to Elizabeth Davis 1 2 1717
Ketteringham, Hilda to Albert Wright 4 4 1945
Laless, Elizabeth to John Eynon 24 2 1749
Laless, Margaret to Richard Merchant 23 10 1750
Laless, Mary to James Rogers 9 4 1768
Laless, Sarah to John Brace 18 2 1758
Lawrence, David to Elizabeth Williams 13 12 1823
Lawrence, Mary to William Lloyd 23 6 1748
Leach, Anne to Thomas Edwards 2 1 1790
Leach, Catherine to Thomas Tennant 5 6 1704
Leach, Elizabeth to William Evans 13 1 1788
Leach, Elnor to Richard Lewes 28 10 1693
Leach, Jane to David James 25 5 1786
Leach, Philip to Elizabeth David 19 6 1750
Lewes, Richard to Elnor Leach 28 10 1693
Lewis, Anne to Sidney Bateman 4 6 1910
Lewis, David to Eleanor James 24 6 1725
Lewis, David to Margaret Phillips 10 12 1784
Lewis, Eleanor to William Saise 20 4 1731
Lewis, Elizabeth to John Evans 2 10 1869
Lewis, Esther to George Thomas 20 4 1889
Lewis, Frances to John Sime 17 10 1854
Lewis, Geoffrey to Joyce Thomas 20 11 1947
Lewis, George to Esther Venables 17 8 1872
Lewis, George to Mary Evans 14 10 1882
Lewis, Hazel Yvonne to Keith Wheeler 12 11 1966
Lewis, Janice to Byron Phillips 29 6 1985
Lewis, John to Esther Howells 30 8 1890
Lewis, Lettice to John Lloyd 15 11 1812
Lewis, Lilian to Richard Howells 26 10 1935
Lewis, Thomas to Margaret Howells 18 9 1913
Leyshon, Thomas to Eleanor Grenfell 15 6 1878
Llewellin, Anne to Thomas Edwards 10 11 1821
Llewellyn, Elizabeth to John Davy 21 8 1784
Llewhellin, Alexander to Sarah Dawkins 27 3 1780
Llewhellin, Elizabeth to Thomas Beynon 24 7 1796
Llewhellin, John to Anne Brinning 2 12 1797
Llewhelling, Mary to William Canton 22 3 1823
Llewhelling, William to Jane ? 28 9 1679
Llewhelling, William to Mary Phillips 24 6 1815
Llewhelyn, Margaret to William Evans 3 9 1836
Llewhelyn, Martha to Isaac Williams 20 7 1845
Lloyd, Benjamin to Elizabeth Meyrick 11 12 1849
Lloyd, Eleanor to Frederick Vigor 14 8 1895
Lloyd, Elizabeth to George Edwards 17 7 1834
Lloyd, Francis to Elizabeth Freeman 6 3 1753
Lloyd, Francis to Anne Hitchings 11 1 1789
Lloyd, Isaac to Frances Freeman 22 10 1754
Lloyd, Isaac to Elizabeth Hitchings 3 11 1778
Lloyd, James to Jane Howells 8 4 1906
Lloyd, Jane to William Lloyd 4 8 1846
Lloyd, John to Lettice Lewis 15 11 1812
Lloyd, Margaret to John Bartlett 30 10 1777
Lloyd, Margaret to James Thomas 25 10 1806
Lloyd, Margaret to William Hitchings 14 11 1848
Lloyd, Mary to James Tucker 23 9 1809
Lloyd, William to Mary Lawrence 23 6 1748
Lloyd, William to Jane Lloyd 4 8 1846
Long, Henry to Jane Griffith 10 10 1772
Maddock, James to Abra Thomas 22 1 1686
Mason, Edward to Abra Rowe 10 6 1730
Matthews, Anne to Thomas Cole 25 4 1874
Matthews, Mary to Robert John 16 11 1861
Matthews, Sarah to John Reynish 29 11 1856
Matthews, Thomas to Rebecca Philips 5 11 1872
Matthews, William to Elizabeth Morgans 12 12 1874
McFee, Emma to William Crisp 3 6 1876
Meare, Alice (widow) to Henry (Rector St. P) Rowe 14 5 1732
Merchant, Richard to Margaret Laless 23 10 1750
Meyrick, Elizabeth to Benjamin Lloyd 11 12 1849
Moore, Charles to Jane Hall 14 2 1874
Moore, George to Mary Morris 5 6 1875
More?, Morrice? to Anne Phillips 22 2 1686
Morgan, Abraham to Elizabeth Purser 21 11 1812
Morgan, Anne to William Williams 19 11 1833
Morgan, Benjamin to Sharon James 12 8 1978
Morgans, Elizabeth to William Stephens 25 8 1839
Morgans, Elizabeth to William Matthews 12 12 1874
Morrice, Anne to Charles Tanket 10 6 1709
Morrice, Elizabeth to John Phelp 26 9 1713
Morrice, Griffith to Mary Roblin 15 2 1700
Morris, George to Elizabeth Furlong 27 7 1862
Morris, Helena to Herbert Jones 30 4 1924
Morris, Jane to William Jenkins 16 11 1878
Morris, John to Mary Beddow 23 10 1880
Morris, John to Martha Howells 8 10 1881
Morris, Joseph Lock to Gladys Elizabeth Griffiths 25 2 1908
Morris, Linda to Martyn Nicholas 1 6 1974
Morris, Margaret to John Rees 8 12 1923
Morris, Mary to George Moore 5 6 1875
Morrish, Abra to William Thomas 26 9 1691
Muller, Dieter to Deborah Clark 1 9 1979
Murray, Alice to William Davies 26 11 1936
Nash, Elizabeth to Stephen Davies 21 8 1814
Nash, Robert to Ann Philp 20 4 1767
Nash, Robert to Elizabeth Wilkins 6 2 1802
Newton, John to Elizabeth James 18 10 1853
Nicholas, Edith to Alexander Shepherd 28 12 1901
Nicholas, Eileen to Terrance Crisp 4 6 1955
Nicholas, Martha to George Purser 24 1 1807
Nicholas, Martyn to Linda Morris 1 6 1974
Nicholas, William to Mary Davies 15 2 1853
Nicholas, William to Elizabeth Rees 21 11 1891
Nicholas, William to Edith Howells 26 12 1914
Nicholas, William to Martha Dyson 30 3 1930
Nicholas, William to Doris Absalom 30 6 1951
O'Brien, Michael to Susan James 29 3 1975
Owen, John to Elizabeth Gibbon 29 9 1730
Owen, Mary to John Phelp 16 7 1719
Owens, Elizabeth to Phillip Thomas 21 9 1695
Owens, Mary to Edward Barrington 23 11 1895
Pattrick, Iboney? to Elizabeth Smith 2 4 1700
Peters, Henry to Mary Hitchings 3 4 1893
Petre, William to Jennet Williams 26 11 1713
Phelp, John to Elizabeth Morrice 26 9 1713
Phelp, John to Mary Owen 16 7 1719
Phelp, Joseph to Mary Bowen 18 7 1829
Phelp, Martha to Henry Daventry 16 9 1703
Philipps, Bulkeley to Philippa (Mrs.) Adams 28 3 1741
Philips, Anne to Thomas Stephens 29 10 1791
Philips, Jeremiah (Rector) to Elizabeth (widow) Jones 20 11 1733
Philips, Rebecca to Thomas Matthews 5 11 1872
Phillips, Anne to Morrice? More? 22 2 1686
Phillips, Byron to Janice Lewis 29 6 1985
Phillips, George to Mary Dawkins 26 1 1828
Phillips, John to Elizabeth Bevin 31 10 1675
Phillips, Margaret to David Lewis 10 12 1784
Phillips, Mary to William Llewhelling 24 6 1815
Philp, Ann to Robert Nash 20 4 1767
Philp, Margaret to David Thomas 29 4 1682
Philp, Richard to Ann Henn 3 10 1727
Philp, Thomas to Abra Hendy 26 11 1682
Philps, John to Mary Davies 13 6 1698
Philps, Mary to William Hughs 2 2 1671
Powell, Elizabeth to William Dawkins 7 4 1827
Powell, Jane to James Davies 4 3 1837
Powell, Martha to John Griffith 29 11 1879
Poyer, Faithfull to Joan Smyth 2 2 1673
Poyer, Hendry to Mary Whittock? 23 6 1674
Price, Henry to Martha Rogers 11 2 1837
Protheroe, Ann to Lewis Gettings 18 12 1847
Prout, Margaret to William Rees 5 11 1743
Prout, Mary to William Edwards 29 12 1745
Purser, Elizabeth to Abraham Morgan 21 11 1812
Purser, George to Martha Nicholas 24 1 1807
Purser, Jane to John Row 27 10 1804
Purser, Martha to Thomas Wilkenson 2 4 1791
Read, Abra to Walter Sondon? 30 1 1674
Read, Catherine to John Sais 24 2 1738
Read, Henry to Elizabeth Thomas 24 10 1702
Read, Luce? to Francis Tankerd 30 10 1696
Reece, Sarah to John David 19 5 1789
Rees, Elizabeth to William Nicholas 21 11 1891
Rees, George to Margaret Griffith 20 2 1813
Rees, John to Margaret Morris 8 12 1923
Rees, Minnie to John Dyson 25 10 1930
Rees, Peter to Martha John 13 5 1848
Rees, Thomas to Mary Griffiths 6 10 1804
Rees, William to Margaret Prout 5 11 1743
Rees, William to Susannah Evans 2 8 1767
Rees, William to Lucy Williams 20 2 1819
Rees, William to Elizabeth Dyson 7 11 1931
Reid, George to Ann Thomas 7 4 1896
Reynish, John to Sarah Matthews 29 11 1856
Reynolds, Ann to David Jones 3 4 1738
Reynolds, Elizabeth to William Evans 6 12 1783
Reynolds, George to Martha Edwards 17 9 1887
Reynolds, John to Ann Thomas 13 11 1735
Reynolds, Maggie to Walter Reynolds 5 4 1920
Reynolds, Stanley to Ada Dyson 13 7 1930
Reynolds, Walter to Maggie Reynolds 5 4 1920
Richards, Maria to Thomas Williams 23 3 1850
Richards, Martha to William Frederick Dyson 24 12 1895
Richards, William to Ann Edwards 16 12 1849
Roberts, Daniel to Elizabeth Allport 21 12 1840
Roberts, James to Hannah Bowen 4 11 1837
Roblin, Mary to Griffith Morrice 15 2 1700
Roblin, William to Margaret Edwards 5 5 1827
Roch, John to Mary Bevans 25 11 1704
Roch, Maria to Thomas Walters 26 1 1867
Rogers, Annie to Alfred Edwards 29 12 1914
Rogers, Eliza to Sydney Williams 26 12 1925
Rogers, Henry to Mary Edwards 24 1 1819
Rogers, James to Mary Laless 9 4 1768
Rogers, John to Eliza Griffiths 28 9 1882
Rogers, Martha to Henry Price 11 2 1837
Rogers, Mary to Enoch Absalom 14 8 1913
Row, John to Jane Purser 27 10 1804
Row, Martha to John Walters 30 3 1833
Rowe, Abra to Edward Mason 10 6 1730
Rowe, Henry (Rector St. P) to Alice (widow) Meare 14 5 1732
Russell, Catherine to Richard Taskers? 29 9 1671
Russiter, John to Rebekah Gettings 20 3 1842
Russiter, Martha to William Howells 4 10 1862
Russiter, Thomas to Priscilla Stevens 25 8 1849
Sais, John to Catherine Read 24 2 1738
Saise, Frances to Benjamin Brinning 23 10 1779
Saise, William to Eleanor Lewis 20 4 1731
Sanly? (widow), Maria to John Gregory 31 7 1871
Scale, Richard to Elizabeth Hitchings 4 8 1747
Scourfield, Anne to William Hay 12 11 1836
Scourfield, Jane to John Gibbs 8 11 1806
Scourfield, Martha to Thomas Howells 28 12 1839
Scourfield, Sarah to John Jones 31 12 1853
Seaborn, George to Hesther Charite 21 11 1857
Sears, Alfred to Rosa Gordon 16 9 1931
Shepherd, Alexander to Edith Nicholas 28 12 1901
Sime, John to Frances Lewis 17 10 1854
Skone, Elizabeth to David Jones 14 10 1759
Skone, Henry to Elizabeth Jones 6 1 1758
Smith, Elizabeth to Pembrock Jaynor? 2 4 1698
Smith, Elizabeth to Iboney? Pattrick 2 4 1700
Smith, George to Martha Jane Howells 9 6 1908
Smith, Isabella to William Beynon 13 1 1934
Smith, John to Martha Thomas 9 12 1753
Smith, Margaret to Francis Thomas 5 4 1934
Smyth, Joan to Faithfull Poyer 2 2 1673
Soldon?, Laetitia to John Ash 29 6 1703
Sondon?, Walter to Abra Read 30 1 1674
Staden, Richard to Brigitte Coats 16 9 1989
Steele, Mabel to John Thomas 2 4 1934
Stephens, Fanny to Mark Griffiths 22 12 1866
Stephens, Jane to James Evans 2 5 1846
Stephens, John to Mary Williams 17 10 1835
Stephens, Richard to Elizabeth Evans 16 9 1854
Stephens, Thomas to Anne Philips 29 10 1791
Stephens, William to Elizabeth Morgans 25 8 1839
Stevens, Eliza to William Edwards 22 10 1853
Stevens, Elizabeth to William Bowen 17 3 1804
Stevens, Frances to Thomas John 15 1 1843
Stevens, James to Mary Davis 28 9 1839
Stevens, Priscilla to Thomas Russiter 25 8 1849
Stevens, Thomas to Ann Harris 17 9 1836
Steward, Arthur to Mary Jones 30 7 1734
Stone, Kevin to Clare Busby 4 10 1980
Tancred, Ann to James Wilkin 29 5 1762
Tankerd, Francis to Luce? Read 30 10 1696
Tankerd, Griffith to Mary James 13 6 1696
Tanket, Charles to Anne Morrice 10 6 1709
Tanket, Charles to Elizabeth Husband 12 11 1720
Taskers?, Richard to Catherine Russell 29 9 1671
Tenant, Catherine to Thomas John 1 10 1743
Tennant, Thomas to Catherine Leach 5 6 1704
Thomas, Abra to James Maddock 22 1 1686
Thomas, Ann to John Reynolds 13 11 1735
Thomas, Ann to George Reid 7 4 1896
Thomas, Annm to George Edwards 23 10 1742
Thomas, Catherine to Hugh Thomas 17 11 1719
Thomas, David to Margaret Philp 29 4 1682
Thomas, David to Dorothy Evans 10 11 1696
Thomas, David to Jane Webb 16 7 1850
Thomas, Elizabeth to Henry Read 24 10 1702
Thomas, Elizabeth to Thomas Duggan 2 10 1703
Thomas, Elizabeth to John Dawkins 22 1 1791
Thomas, Francis to Margaret Smith 5 4 1934
Thomas, George to Mary Hitchings 20 10 1793
Thomas, George to Martha Hitchings 31 10 1811
Thomas, George to Ann Webb 30 4 1854
Thomas, George to Esther Lewis 20 4 1889
Thomas, Henry to Eleanor Hall 1 9 1726
Thomas, Hugh to Catherine Thomas 17 11 1719
Thomas, James to Margaret Lloyd 25 10 1806
Thomas, James to Sarah Griffiths 30 1 1866
Thomas, James to Mary James 16 8 1904
Thomas, John to Phoebe Bannell 11 5 1922
Thomas, John to Mabel Steele 2 4 1934
Thomas, Joyce to Geoffrey Lewis 20 11 1947
Thomas, Kim Louise to Kim Angus Clark 2 8 1980
Thomas, Lettice to James Hughes 7 10 1727
Thomas, Martha to John Smith 9 12 1753
Thomas, Martha to John Evans 17 9 1825
Thomas, Martha to Joseph James 21 10 1865
Thomas, Mary to David Edwards 13 11 1718
Thomas, Mary to Joseph Adams 14 10 1775
Thomas, Phillip to Elizabeth Owens 21 9 1695
Thomas, William to Abra Morrish 26 9 1691
Thompson, Philip to Judith Evans 14 10 1972
Trewent, Edward to Jane Ash 29 10 1715
Tucker, James to Mary Lloyd 23 9 1809
Vaughan, Margaret to Joseph Bateman 12 11 1808
Venables, Esther to George Lewis 17 8 1872
Vigor, Frederick to Eleanor Lloyd 14 8 1895
Wall, John to Janetta Beynon 17 1 1826
Walters, Elizabeth to John James 21 8 1869
Walters, George to Martha James 6 11 1841
Walters, John to Martha Row 30 3 1833
Walters, Margaret to David John 15 11 1856
Walters, Sarah to Richard Griffiths 13 12 1856
Walters, Thomas to Maria Roch 26 1 1867
Watkins, Albert to Ethel Evans 3 9 1912
Watkins, Richard to Elizabeth Griffiths 1 8 1778
Webb, Ann to George Thomas 30 4 1854
Webb, Jane to David Thomas 16 7 1850
Webb, Mary to George Harris 1 11 1834
Webb, Thomas to Mary Jeffreys 21 10 1828
Wheeler, Keith to Hazel Yvonne Lewis 12 11 1966
Wheeler, Nicola to Alistair Hart 18 6 1994
White, Abra to William Cole 17 11 1705
White, Janet to Evan Jones 25 5 1702
White, John to Martha Griffiths 23 7 1890
White, Mary to John Griffith 8 10 1737
White, Stephen to Frances Howells 27 10 1903
Whittock?, Mary to Hendry Poyer 23 6 1674
Wiles, Jillian to Brian Evans 26 8 1978
Wilkasson, Elizabeth to John Isitt 29 11 1828
Wilkenson, Thomas to Martha Purser 2 4 1791
Wilkin, James to Ann Tancred 29 5 1762
Wilkin, John to Lettice Ash 11 7 1713
Wilkin, John to Elizabeth Hitching 19 10 1734
Wilkin, John to Martha Jones 28 5 1782
Wilkin, William to Eleanor Canton 7 11 1726
Wilkins, Elizabeth to Robert Nash 6 2 1802
Wilkins, Mary to John Husband? 4 8 1696
Wilkins, Rebekkah to John Hitchings 22 11 1765
Williams, Alice to John Hay 12 12 1812
Williams, Austin to Gladys Edwards 4 8 1919
Williams, Elizabeth to David Lawrence 13 12 1823
Williams, George to Elizabeth Jermyn 8 6 1731
Williams, George to Mary Beynon 12 7 1851
Williams, Isaac to Martha Llewhelyn 20 7 1845
Williams, Jane to Benjamin Davies 4 1 1807
Williams, Jennet to William Petre 26 11 1713
Williams, Lucy to William Rees 20 2 1819
Williams, Mary to George Hitching 23 10 1715
Williams, Mary to John Stephens 17 10 1835
Williams, Mary to Thomas Griffiths 11 12 1919
Williams, Sydney to Eliza Rogers 26 12 1925
Williams, Thomas to Maria Richards 23 3 1850
Williams, Walter to Eleanor Howells 4 4 1934
Williams, William to Anne Morgan 19 11 1833
Williams, William to Martha Evans 30 11 1850
Williams, William to Olive Davies 29 4 1931
Wright, Albert to Hilda Ketteringham 4 4 1945