St. Petrox Church - Marriage Register
?, ? to John Woodward 6 2 1734
?, Alles to Hugh S-? 3 4 1660
?, Elizabeth to Abraham Band? 16 10 1647
?-art, Walter to Magdalen Randolph 29 9 1702
Adam, Ginnet to John Howell 1 11 1646
Adams, Eliza to Edward Jones 15 11 1868
Adams, Elizabeth to William Toms 24 10 1779
Adams, Elizabeth to George Taylor 31 12 1876
Adams, John? to Mary B-? 20 7 1702
Adams, Martha to George Davies 29 7 1866
Allan, Emma Louisa to Anthony Banchard Pike 3 5 1849
Amson, Henry to Elizabeth Williams 13 6 1779
B-?, Mary to John? Adams 20 7 1702
Bancks, Richard to Elizabeth Morris 6 5 1765
Band?, Abraham to Elizabeth ? 16 10 1647
Barnfield, Joseph to Martha Howells 30 3 1785
Baynon, John to Mary Jones 10 10 1756
Bevans, Anna Maria to Jeremiah Philips 16 8 1724
Bevans, John to Anna Maria Clark 23 6 1719
Bevans, Thomas to Martha Jones 16 11 1811
Beynon, John to Alice Rock 15 5 1836
Bishop, Henry to Elizabeth Gibbon 23 8 1704
Bittle, Rowland to Joan Castle 11 6 1728
Bittle, Sarah Anne to Thomas Dawkins 10 9 1895
Blethyn, George to Elizabeth James 1 9 1805
Bluman, Mary to David Williams 14 11 1818
Bosher, William (farmer) to Thomasin Jones 11 6 1702
Bowen, Ann to Daniel John 4 10 1834
Bowen, Anne to John Tasker 13 10 1716
Bowen, Elizabeth to Richard Brookshaw 14 9 1706
Bowen, Hannah to George Williams 12 7 1823
Bowen, Hugh to Mary Read 19 10 1720
Bowen, John to Margaret Williams 10 9 1765
Bowen, John to Mary Davies 27 5 1843
Bowen, Mary to George Holcom 3 6 1740
Bowen, Matthew to Latitia Standish 6 2 1696
Bowen, Thomas to Elizabeth Nash 19 10 1793
Bowlsher, Elizabeth to John Hall 12 10 1771
Brace, James to Eliza James 13 8 1842
Brace, Jane to James Reynolds 29 9 1866
Brooks, Adam to Ann Williams 1 5 1813
Brookshaw, Richard to Elizabeth Bowen 14 9 1706
Brown, Henry Lionel to Violet Mitchell 3 8 1985
Brown, Leabella to John Lewis 12 10 1727
Butler, David to Elizabeth Jones 8 3 1735
Butler, Mary to George Henslor? 9 2 1747
Butler, William to Hannah Morgan 24 2 1799
Buttler, Mary to John? Thomas 6 10 1753
Buxnell, Matthew to Susannah Perrott 13 11 1694
Bythell, Janet to William Anthony Proctor 3 8 1963
Cadwallader, Jane to John Llewhellin 27 11 1779
Campbell, Eustatia to George Campbell 1 2 1805
Campbell, George to Eustatia Campbell 1 2 1805
Canton, May to Arthur Stephens 25 7 1889
Carne, James to Martha Evans 19 9 1724
Carne, William to Fler Hitching 12 7 1653
Castle, Anne to John Roch 26 2 1814
Castle, Joan to Rowland Bittle 11 6 1728
Chirrett, Jane to William Maddocks 13 8 1804
Clark, Anna Maria to John Bevans 23 6 1719
Cole, Edith Mary to George Frederick Rubython 13 11 1915
Cole, John to Sarah Mary Scourfield 15 8 1922
Cole, Thomas to Annie Rossiter 29 12 1898
Colins, William to Alice Williams 3 10 1702
Colley, John to Rebecca Lewis 4 10 1857
Conick, Catherine to Francis Tancred 19 10 1704
Couch, Jane to Robert Phelps 10 2 1729
Crisp, John to Jane Godwin 21 6 1875
Croft, Charles Edward to Annie Pritchard 8 8 1923
Cummings, Kenneth to Mary Smyth 14 7 1794
Curry?, Richard to Alice (Mrs.) Meares 27 1 1735
Daventry, Henry (tailor) to Jennet Freeman 24 2 1701
Davey, Elizabeth to John Rees 4 6 1857
David, Anne to John Jones 22 4 1775
David, Mary to David Thomas 12 12 1758
David, Thomas to Elizabeth Hughs 6 2 1731
Davids, Rebecca to John Russen 30 4 1785
Davidson, Thomas to Jane Roberts 7 1 1840
Davies, Adam to Susan Hood 18 12 1743
Davies, Benjamin to Elizabeth Phillips 12 5 1796
Davies, Frederick Charles to Sarah Alice Lloyd 26 4 1919
Davies, George to Martha Adams 29 7 1866
Davies, James to Mary Dawkins 1 11 1902
Davies, Jane to James Williams 23 10 1762
Davies, John to Rachel Stevens 25 6 1762
Davies, John to Martha Rice 24 3 1764
Davies, Mary to John Bowen 27 5 1843
Davies, Mary to Aretas Thomas 14 10 1873
Davies, Sarah to John Rossar 14 4 1812
Dawkins, Elizabeth to John Hitchins 24 9 1778
Dawkins, Elizabeth to Thomas Griffith 15 8 1871
Dawkins, Judith to Thomas Leach 3 11 1716
Dawkins, Mary to James Davies 1 11 1902
Dawkins, Thomas to Sarah Anne Bittle 10 9 1895
Dawkins, Walter to Barbara Winch 25 12 1760
Drinkwater, Mary to William Jones 4 5 1715
Drinkwater, Thomas to Mary Germin 29 10 1696
Duggan, Elizabeth to Benjamin Thomas 19 1 1759
Duggan, Thomas to Elizabeth Thomas 1703
Duggan, William to Mary Roblin 15 10 1786
Evans, Cesar to Mary Mason 14 10 1827
Evans, Daniel to Mary Jane Long 2 11 1895
Evans, Dorothy to Henry Voyle 10 7 1707
Evans, Elizabeth to Arthur Williams 12 11 1892
Evans, Esther to William Griffith 27 1 1828
Evans, Francis Edward to Flora Pritchard 26 12 1907
Evans, Harriett to William Harris 8 10 1870
Evans, James to Martha Jones 24 10 1812
Evans, Jane to Benjamin Griffiths 18 11 1893
Evans, John to Abra Williams 29 9 1750
Evans, John? to Dorcas Patch? 27 11 1634
Evans, Martha to James Carne 19 9 1724
Evans, Mary to John Williams 14 10 1732
Evans, Mary to David Jenkins 31 10 1807
Evans, Mary to Elias John 27 1 1900
Evans, Phoebe to John John 11 10 1845
Evans, Susan to John Rich 26 4 1748
Evans, Thomas to Sarah Fisher 12 2 1823
Eynon, Elizabeth to William Williams 9 10 1791
Eynon, Jane to John Thomas 26 8 1753
Faith, David to Mary Morgan 3 7 1748
Fender?, John to Dorothy Phuilips 21 2 1712
Ferrier, Philip (farmer) to Alice Harefet? 27 6 1702
Fisher, Sarah to Thomas Evans 12 2 1823
Frances?, Hester to Stephen Young 16 9 1651
Freeman, Jennet to Henry (tailor) Daventry 24 2 1701
Freeman, Mary to Edward Hopton 5 7 1714
Furlan?, Mary to John Morse 11 2 1708
Furlong, Elizabeth to Morgan Morgans 19 11 1807
Furlong, James to Elizabeth Jones 17 11 1781
Furlong, John to Sarah Symmonds 18 8 1777
Garlick, Josephine Elizabeth to William Glenville Nicholas 8 9 1962
Geoghegan, Ian to Rosemary Russell 24 8 1985
George, Esther to David Rowe 14 10 1727
Germin, Griffith to Elizabeth Parcel 2 4 1808
Germin, Mary to Thomas Drinkwater 29 10 1696
Gibbon, Benjamin to Elizabeth Gibbon 14 4 1699
Gibbon, Elizabeth to Benjamin Gibbon 14 4 1699
Gibbon, Elizabeth to Henry Bishop 23 8 1704
Gibbs, Anne to Thomas James 29 11 1799
Godwin, Jane to John Crisp 21 6 1875
Griffith, Alice to Alexander Thomas 18 4 1713
Griffith, Dinah to William Jones 17 10 1747
Griffith, Emily to John Pritchard 17 12 1872
Griffith, Frances to Benjamin Stephens 17 4 1875
Griffith, Rachel to Thomas Hitching 29 9 1716
Griffith, Thomas to Elizabeth Dawkins 15 8 1871
Griffith, William to Esther Evans 27 1 1828
Griffiths, Benjamin to Jane Evans 18 11 1893
Griffiths, David William to Brenda Mary Welby 20 4 1963
Griffiths, Enid Martha to Albert Arthur Morris 22 6 1946
Griffiths, Margaret Elizabeth to William James Harries 27 11 1956
Griffiths, Sian to Richard Lloyd 26 7 1986
Griffiths, Thomas to Ann Phillips 1 6 1841
Gwyther, John to Ann Rowlands 28 7 1860
Gwyther, Mary to George Jermyn 24 7 1726
Haigh, Sarah to William Lawrence 21 9 1760
Haines, George Leonard to Emily Hay 21 10 1899
Hall, Elizabeth to Walter Roch 17 10 1780
Hall, Francis to Elizabeth Merryman 19 10 1754
Hall, John to Elizabeth Bowlsher 12 10 1771
Hall, Richard to Sarah Mathias 15 12 1798
Hall, William to Margaret Jones 1 11 1760
Hall, William to Anne Owens 10 11 1821
Handman, Frederick Louis to Edith Elizabeth Long 23 3 1910
Harefet?, Alice to Philip (farmer) Ferrier 27 6 1702
Harries, Elizabeth to John Mathias 29 10 1835
Harries, William James to Margaret Elizabeth Griffiths 27 11 1956
Harris, Henry to Anne John 2 8 1820
Harris, Mary to James Long 26 1 1943
Harris, William to Harriett Evans 8 10 1870
Hay, Emily to George Leonard Haines 21 10 1899
Hay, Jane Elizabeth to Aubrey Summers Reynolds 29 3 1891
Hay, Mary to Philip Jones 15 1 1780
Henslor?, George to Mary Butler 9 2 1747
Henton, Lilian May to William Henry Rees 10 1 1925
Hill, Martha to John John 4 11 1786
Hill, Martha to Samuel Midgley 20 11 1811
Hitching, Abra to Hugh Lewis 2 10 1737
Hitching, Fler to William Carne 12 7 1653
Hitching, Jane to William Rogers 21 4 1737
Hitching, John to Elizabeth Morrice 25 6 1726
Hitching, Thomas to Rachel Griffith 29 9 1716
Hitching, Thomas (vic.) to Dorcas (widow) Stoakes 18 10 1602
Hitchins, John to Elizabeth Dawkins 24 9 1778
Holcom, George to Mary Bowen 3 6 1740
Holcombe, Anne to John Jones 27 12 1732
Hood, Elizabeth to Richard Rowe 21 10 1773
Hood, Susan to Adam Davies 18 12 1743
Hopton, Edward to Mary Freeman 5 7 1714
Howell, John to Ginnet Adam 1 11 1646
Howells, Frank Henry to Ellen Nicholas 17 2 1927
Howells, Martha to Joseph Barnfield 30 3 1785
Howells, William Howard to Gladys Mary Nicholas 5 1 1924
Hughes, Thomas (servant) to Jane (servant) Warlow 21 4 1701
Hughs, Elizabeth to Thomas David 6 2 1731
Hughs, Robert? to Grace Thomas 32 10 1705
Hunt, Rebecca to John Lee 27 11 1718
Hutton, Maud to David Maddocks 7 1 1692
Jackson, George to Elizabeth Mary Lloyd 29 12 1915
James, Anne to George Reece 5 9 1789
James, Eliza to James Brace 13 8 1842
James, Elizabeth to George Blethyn 1 9 1805
James, Jane to James Williams 27 10 1804
James, John to Elizabeth Rees 4 11 1815
James, Mark to Evans Jemima 21 9 1929
James, Martha to John Llewhellin 4 10 1794
James, Mary to John Richards 12 10 1796
James, Rebecca to James Thomas 3 11 1860
James, Thomas to Anne Gibbs 29 11 1799
James, William to Mary Says 5 5 1787
Jemima, Evans to Mark James 21 9 1929
Jenkins, David to Mary Evans 31 10 1807
Jenkins, John to Mary Thomas 21 11 1773
Jenkins, Joshua to Susan Skone 12 5 1833
Jenkins, William to Mary Tracey 7 11 1848
Jermyn, George to Mary Gwyther 24 7 1726
John, Ann to Stephen Price 30 10 1841
John, Anne to Henry Harris 2 8 1820
John, Daniel to Ann Bowen 4 10 1834
John, Elias to Mary Evans 27 1 1900
John, John to Martha Hill 4 11 1786
John, John to Phoebe Evans 11 10 1845
John, Louis Archibald to Mary Swanwick 24 11 1951
John, Thomas to Mary Rossant? 12 9 1747
John, Thomas to Lettice Thomas 3 3 1771
John, Thomas to Martha Thomas 24 10 1818
Johnes, Richard? to Mary Vaughan 1646
Jones, Dorothy Mary to William John Rees 14 7 1962
Jones, Edward to Eliza Adams 15 11 1868
Jones, Elizabeth to David Butler 8 3 1735
Jones, Elizabeth to John Merriman 28 4 1740
Jones, Elizabeth to James Furlong 17 11 1781
Jones, Elizabeth (Mrs.) to Jeremiah (Revd.) Philips 2 11 1733
Jones, Evan to Hesther Toms 9 1736
Jones, Evan to Esther Seer? 14 9 1736
Jones, John to Anne Holcombe 27 12 1732
Jones, John to Anne David 22 4 1775
Jones, Margaret to William Hall 1 11 1760
Jones, Martha to Thomas Bevans 16 11 1811
Jones, Martha to James Evans 24 10 1812
Jones, Mary to David Matthews 2 7 1716
Jones, Mary to John Baynon 10 10 1756
Jones, Mary to John Roach 14 4 1776
Jones, Mary to Michael Rees 11 6 1786
Jones, Mary to Robert Steel 16 4 1822
Jones, Mary Ann to Isaac Vaughan 8 5 1841
Jones, Philip to Mary Hay 15 1 1780
Jones, Samuel to Anne Williams 5 4 1779
Jones, Sarah to John Rogers 7 10 1732
Jones, Thomas to Anne Smith 14 10 1860
Jones, Thomasin to William (farmer) Bosher 11 6 1702
Jones, William to Mary Drinkwater 4 5 1715
Jones, William to Dinah Griffith 17 10 1747
Kymer?, Dorothy to Hugh Phelps 18 4 1709
Laurence, Lettice to William Williams 26 7 1728
Lawrence, William to Sarah Haigh 21 9 1760
Leach, Thomas to Judith Dawkins 3 11 1716
Lee, John to Rebecca Hunt 27 11 1718
Lewis, Elizabeth to James Rees 26 12 1795
Lewis, Hugh to Abra Hitching 2 10 1737
Lewis, John to Leabella Brown 12 10 1727
Lewis, Lettice to David Williams 22 10 1807
Lewis, Mary to William Lewis 20 10 1843
Lewis, Rebecca to John Colley 4 10 1857
Lewis, William to Mary Lewis 20 10 1843
Lewis, William to Ann Williams 2 9 1856
Llewhellin, John to Jane Cadwallader 27 11 1779
Llewhellin, John to Martha James 4 10 1794
Lloyd, Daniel to Katherine Meare 4 3 1760
Lloyd, Elizabeth Mary to George Jackson 29 12 1915
Lloyd, Henrietta to ? Morgans 1751
Lloyd, John to Ann Tracey 16 8 1858
Lloyd, Margaret to Arthur Meares 17 2 1735
Lloyd, Richard to Sian Griffiths 26 7 1986
Lloyd, Sarah Alice to Frederick Charles Davies 26 4 1919
Lloyd, Thomas to Selina Pritchard 5 7 1883
Long, Edith Elizabeth to Frederick Louis Handman 23 3 1910
Long, Emily Mary to Thomas Tasker 23 8 1904
Long, James to Mary Harris 26 1 1943
Long, Mary Jane to Daniel Evans 2 11 1895
Maddocks, David to Maud Hutton 7 1 1692
Maddocks, William to Jane Chirrett 13 8 1804
Mason, Edward to Rebecca Rees 17 10 1713
Mason, Mary to Cesar Evans 14 10 1827
Mathias, John to Elizabeth Harries 29 10 1835
Mathias, Sarah to Richard Hall 15 12 1798
Matthews, David to Mary Jones 2 7 1716
Mear?, Elizabeth (Mrs.) to Francis Row 9 5 1719
Meare, Katherine to Daniel Lloyd 4 3 1760
Meares, Alice (Mrs.) to Richard Curry? 27 1 1735
Meares, Arthur to Margaret Lloyd 17 2 1735
Merchant, Richard to Mary Watkins 29 10 1772
Merriman, John to Elizabeth Jones 28 4 1740
Merryman, Elizabeth to Francis Hall 19 10 1754
Midgley, Samuel to Martha Hill 20 11 1811
Millard, Charles to Elizabeth Thomas 20 7 1733
Mitchell, Violet to Henry Lionel Brown 3 8 1985
Morgan, Hannah to William Butler 24 2 1799
Morgan, Mary to David Faith 3 7 1748
Morgan, William to Jane Price 11 10 1766
Morgans, ? to Henrietta Lloyd 1751
Morgans, Morgan to Elizabeth Furlong 19 11 1807
Morrice, Elizabeth to John Hitching 25 6 1726
Morris, Albert Arthur to Enid Martha Griffiths 22 6 1946
Morris, Elizabeth to Richard Bancks 6 5 1765
Morse, Gregory Glenn to Anne Evangeline Russell 21 7 1979
Morse, John to Mary Furlan? 11 2 1708
Murray, Isobel to Richard Gwynne Russell 5 12 1970
Nash, Elizabeth to Thomas Bowen 19 10 1793
Nash, Elizabeth to Stephen Thomas 22 7 1820
Nash, Robert to Mary Thomas 5 10 1754
Nicholas, Ellen to Frank Henry Howells 17 2 1927
Nicholas, Gladys Mary to William Howard Howells 5 1 1924
Nicholas, William Glenville to Josephine Elizabeth Garlick 8 9 1962
Ormond, Alice to Henry Thomas 27 10 1720
Owens, Anne to William Hall 10 11 1821
Palmer, Elizabeth to Thomas Williams 9 10 1736
Parcel, Elizabeth to Griffith Germin 2 4 1808
Patch?, Dorcas to John? Evans 27 11 1634
Peagne?, Henry to Joan Williams 11 2 1708
Perrott, Susannah to Matthew Buxnell 13 11 1694
Phelps, Hugh to Dorothy Kymer? 18 4 1709
Phelps, Robert to Jane Couch 10 2 1729
Phelps, Wiliam to Margaret Powell 23 2 1698
Philips, Elizabeth (Mrs.) to John Smith 19 9 1736
Philips, Jeremiah to Anna Maria Bevans 16 8 1724
Philips, Jeremiah (Revd.) to Elizabeth (Mrs.) Jones 2 11 1733
Phillips, Ann to Thomas Griffiths 1 6 1841
Phillips, Anne to Thomas Roblin 21 12 1802
Phillips, Elizabeth to Benjamin Davies 12 5 1796
Phillips, Thomas to Sarah Rees 13 6 1812
Phuilips, Dorothy to John Fender? 21 2 1712
Pike, Anthony Banchard to Emma Louisa Allan 3 5 1849
Powell, Margaret to William Phelps 23 2 1698
Powell, Thomas Athol to Lilian Pritchard 25 4 1911
Price, Isaac to Mary Jane Pritchard 22 2 1900
Price, Jane to William Morgan 11 10 1766
Price, Richard to Anne Smyth 20 11 1792
Price, Stephen to Ann John 30 10 1841
Pritchard, Annie to Charles Edward Croft 8 8 1923
Pritchard, Flora to Francis Edward Evans 26 12 1907
Pritchard, John to Emily Griffith 17 12 1872
Pritchard, Lilian to Thomas Athol Powell 25 4 1911
Pritchard, Mary Jane to Isaac Price 22 2 1900
Pritchard, Sarah Ann to William Thomas 28 4 1900
Pritchard, Selina to Thomas Lloyd 5 7 1883
Proctor, William Anthony to Janet Bythell 3 8 1963
Purcer, Anne to Joseph Williams 7 7 1778
Randolph, Magdalen to Walter ?-art 29 9 1702
Read, Mary to Hugh Bowen 19 10 1720
Reece, George to Anne James 5 9 1789
Rees, Elizabeth to John James 4 11 1815
Rees, James to Elizabeth Lewis 26 12 1795
Rees, Jane to John Stephens 26 3 1870
Rees, John to Elizabeth Davey 4 6 1857
Rees, Michael to Mary Jones 11 6 1786
Rees, Rebecca to Edward Mason 17 10 1713
Rees, Sarah to Thomas Phillips 13 6 1812
Rees, William Henry to Lilian May Henton 10 1 1925
Rees, William John to Dorothy Mary Jones 14 7 1962
Reynolds, Aubrey Summers to Jane Elizabeth Hay 29 3 1891
Reynolds, James to Jane Brace 29 9 1866
Rice, Martha to John Davies 24 3 1764
Rich, John to Susan Evans 26 4 1748
Richards, John to Mary James 12 10 1796
Roach, John to Mary Jones 14 4 1776
Roberts, Jane to Thomas Davidson 7 1 1840
Roblin, Mary to William Duggan 15 10 1786
Roblin, Thomas to Anne Phillips 21 12 1802
Roblin, William to Margaret Thomas 22 10 1815
Roch, John to Anne Castle 26 2 1814
Roch, Walter to Elizabeth Hall 17 10 1780
Rock, Alice to John Beynon 15 5 1836
Rogers, Elizabeth to Isaac Wilkins 13 11 1768
Rogers, John to Sarah Jones 7 10 1732
Rogers, Matilda to William George Russell 14 8 1860
Rogers, William to Jane Hitching 21 4 1737
Rossant?, Mary to Thomas John 12 9 1747
Rossar, John to Sarah Davies 14 4 1812
Rossiter, Annie to Thomas Cole 29 12 1898
Row, Francis to Elizabeth (Mrs.) Mear? 9 5 1719
Rowe, David to Esther George 14 10 1727
Rowe, Richard to Elizabeth Hood 21 10 1773
Rowlands, Ann to John Gwyther 28 7 1860
Rubython, George Frederick to Edith Mary Cole 13 11 1915
Russell, Anne Evangeline to Gregory Glenn Morse 21 7 1979
Russell, Richard Gwynne to Isobel Murray 5 12 1970
Russell, Rosemary to Ian Geoghegan 24 8 1985
Russell, William George to Matilda Rogers 14 8 1860
Russen, John to Rebecca Davids 30 4 1785
S-?, Hugh to Alles ? 3 4 1660
Says, Mary to William James 5 5 1787
Scourfield, Sarah Mary to John Cole 15 8 1922
Seer?, Esther to Evan Jones 14 9 1736
Skone, Susan to Joshua Jenkins 12 5 1833
Smith, Anne to Thomas Jones 14 10 1860
Smith, John to Elizabeth (Mrs.) Philips 19 9 1736
Smyth, Anne to Richard Price 20 11 1792
Smyth, Mary to Kenneth Cummings 14 7 1794
Standish, Latitia to Matthew Bowen 6 2 1696
Steel, Robert to Mary Jones 16 4 1822
Stephens, Arthur to May Canton 25 7 1889
Stephens, Benjamin to Frances Griffith 17 4 1875
Stephens, John to Jane Rees 26 3 1870
Stevens, Rachel to John Davies 25 6 1762
Stoakes, Dorcas (widow) to Thomas (vic.) Hitching 18 10 1602
Stokes, Antony (Gent.) to Jane (his wife) Stokes 15 1 1699
Stokes, Jane (his wife) to Antony (Gent.) Stokes 15 1 1699
Swanwick, Mary to Louis Archibald John 24 11 1951
Symmonds, Sarah to John Furlong 18 8 1777
Tancred, Francis to Catherine Conick 19 10 1704
Tancred, John to Anne Willims 1 10 1763
Tasker, Elizabeth to Valentine White 9 11 1781
Tasker, John to Anne Bowen 13 10 1716
Tasker, Richard to Mary Thomas 28 1 1772
Tasker, Thomas to Emily Mary Long 23 8 1904
Taylor, George to Elizabeth Adams 31 12 1876
Thomas, Alexander to Alice Griffith 18 4 1713
Thomas, Aretas to Mary Davies 14 10 1873
Thomas, Benjamin to Elizabeth Duggan 19 1 1759
Thomas, David to Mary David 12 12 1758
Thomas, David to Catharine Williams 17 6 1804
Thomas, Elizabeth to Thomas Duggan 1703
Thomas, Elizabeth to Charles Millard 20 7 1733
Thomas, Grace to Robert? Hughs 32 10 1705
Thomas, Henry to Alice Ormond 27 10 1720
Thomas, James to Rebecca James 3 11 1860
Thomas, John to Jane Eynon 26 8 1753
Thomas, John to Mary Venable 28 9 1783
Thomas, John (servant) to Mary (servant) Thomas 25 11 1701
Thomas, John? to Mary Buttler 6 10 1753
Thomas, Lettice to Thomas John 3 3 1771
Thomas, Margaret to William Roblin 22 10 1815
Thomas, Martha to Thomas John 24 10 1818
Thomas, Mary to Robert Nash 5 10 1754
Thomas, Mary to Richard Tasker 28 1 1772
Thomas, Mary to John Jenkins 21 11 1773
Thomas, Mary (servant) to John (servant) Thomas 25 11 1701
Thomas, Stephen to Elizabeth Nash 22 7 1820
Thomas, William to Sarah Ann Pritchard 28 4 1900
Toms, Hesther to Evan Jones 9 1736
Toms, Michael to Elizabeth Watkins 24 3 1771
Toms, William to Elizabeth Adams 24 10 1779
Tracey, Ann to John Lloyd 16 8 1858
Tracey, Mary to William Jenkins 7 11 1848
Vaughan, Isaac to Mary Ann Jones 8 5 1841
Vaughan, Mary to Richard? Johnes 1646
Venable, Mary to John Thomas 28 9 1783
Voyle, Henry to Dorothy Evans 10 7 1707
Warlow, Jane (servant) to Thomas (servant) Hughes 21 4 1701
Watkins, Elizabeth to Michael Toms 24 3 1771
Watkins, Mary to Richard Merchant 29 10 1772
Welby, Brenda Mary to David William Griffiths 20 4 1963
White, Anne (his wife) to Richard (servant) White 17 3 1700
White, Elizabeth to Edward Wyatt 4 9 1758
White, Richard (servant) to Anne (his wife) White 17 3 1700
White, Valentine to Elizabeth Tasker 9 11 1781
Wilkins, Isaac to Elizabeth Rogers 13 11 1768
Williams, Abra to John Evans 29 9 1750
Williams, Alice to William Colins 3 10 1702
Williams, Ann to Adam Brooks 1 5 1813
Williams, Ann to William Lewis 2 9 1856
Williams, Anne to Samuel Jones 5 4 1779
Williams, Arthur to Elizabeth Evans 12 11 1892
Williams, Catharine to David Thomas 17 6 1804
Williams, David to Lettice Lewis 22 10 1807
Williams, David to Mary Bluman 14 11 1818
Williams, Elizabeth to Henry Amson 13 6 1779
Williams, George to Hannah Bowen 12 7 1823
Williams, James to Jane Davies 23 10 1762
Williams, James to Jane James 27 10 1804
Williams, Joan to Henry Peagne? 11 2 1708
Williams, John to Mary Evans 14 10 1732
Williams, Joseph to Anne Purcer 7 7 1778
Williams, Margaret to John Bowen 10 9 1765
Williams, Thomas to Elizabeth Palmer 9 10 1736
Williams, William to Lettice Laurence 26 7 1728
Williams, William to Elizabeth Eynon 9 10 1791
Willims, Anne to John Tancred 1 10 1763
Winch, Barbara to Walter Dawkins 25 12 1760
Woodward, John to ? ? 6 2 1734
Wyatt, Edward to Elizabeth White 4 9 1758
Young, Stephen to Hester Frances? 16 9 1651