Stackpole Elidor Church - Marriage Register
Adams, David to Barbara Thomas 15 7 1961
Adams, George to Elizabeth Barnett 14 11 1829
Adams, Jane to John Jenkins 10 9 1864
Ainsworth, David to Susan Lewis 23 1 1988
Amson, Anne to Thomas James 26 11 1774
Amson, Mary to William Davis 15 7 1769
Anderson, Donald to Frances White 14 11 1809
Armstrong, Julie to Robert Courtney 15 7 1978
Ash, Alice to ? Phillips 30 12 1735
Ash, Mary to John Thomas 11 11 1727
Bardsley, Rosemarie to Alan Canton 6 8 1966
Barlow, Eliza to Frederick Morgans 6 8 1907
Barnes, Alan to Elizabeth Mathias 30 9 1967
Barnet?, Sarah to Benjamin Roach 24 2 1816
Barnett, Elizabeth to George Adams 14 11 1829
Barrett, Richard to Ann Lewis 8 10 1859
Barrett, Richard to Christine Kiln 22 5 1971
Bartlett, Margaret to Thomas Palmer 19 2 1792
Bartlett, Mary to Jonas Bowen 12 11 1766
Bateman, Ann to Brian Williams 20 10 1976
Bateman, Brian to Margot Behnsen 8 8 1970
Bateman, Joyce to William Mason 23 6 1951
Bateman, Judith to David Street 28 6 1980
Bateman, Margaret to Brian Goodman 6 1 1962
Bateman, Thomas to Mary Watts 2 11 1912
Baunicke, Paul to Mary Evans 22 12 1949
Beardmore, Julia to John Neil Roberts 4 7 1987
Behnsen, Margot to Brian Bateman 8 8 1970
Bellamy, Christine to David Shipp 13 5 1972
Bennion, Elizabeth to David Birt-Llewellin 24 9 1960
Bevans, John to Mary Reece 23 10 1731
Bevans, Owen to Alice Griffith 29 10 1745
Bevans, Paul to Angela James 24 6 1978
Beynon, Elizabeth to Edward Mason 31 10 1746
Beynon, George to Ann Harrison 30 5 1865
Beynon, John to Barbara Jones 17 9 1809
Beynon, Lilian to William Phillips 21 5 1914
Beynon, Margaret to James Hutchings 27 3 1879
Beynon, Mary to John Thomas 13 11 1861
Beynon, Mary to Stephen Phillips 4 11 1863
Beynon, Rebecca to John Watts 12 3 1857
Birt-Llewellin, David to Elizabeth Bennion 24 9 1960
Blethyn, Ann to William Tucker 23 12 1830
Botham, Gertrude to Thomas Whelby 2 12 1953
Boulsher, Daniel to Jone Williams ? 10 1734
Bowen, Abra to Griffith Williams 2 10 1731
Bowen, Angela to Robert Mills 25 8 1973
Bowen, Ann to James Davies 12 10 1871
Bowen, Dilys to Eric Williams 12 4 1952
Bowen, Elizabeth to John Hood 26 12 1922
Bowen, Jennifer to John Smith 6 4 1985
Bowen, Jonas to Mary Bartlett 12 11 1766
Bowen, Mary to George Mathias 8 5 1840
Bowen, Moses to Elizabeth Reynald 29 9 1736
Bowen, Ronald to Brenda Davies 5 11 1955
Bowen, William to Ann Thomas 26 10 1816
Bowen, William to Priscilla Jenkins 17 3 1822
Bowling, Anne to Jeremy Ward 12 9 1964
Bowling, Elizabeth to John Long 15 11 1845
Boyer, Lettice to William David 29 9 1739
Boyle, Courtenay to Muriel Campbell 20 4 1876
Boyle, Elizabeth to Griffith Hutchings 29 5 1834
Brace, Bridget to John Jones 13 10 1785
Brace, Eunice to Sydney Jones 26 11 1955
Brace, Thomas to Ann Davies 24 5 1879
Brackpool, David to Lorna Nicholas 12 7 1986
Bradstock, Michael to Patricia Edwards 3 8 1968
Brenning, William to Anne Davies 4 11 1820
Britt, Elizabeth to John Weaver 19 2 1765
Brixton, Dorothy to Thomas Cole 17 4 1922
Brooks, Elizabeth to Benjamin Davies 27 8 1842
Brown, Ann to Benjamin Webb 9 10 1841
Brunning, Anne to William James 17 10 1789
Bullivant, Trevor to Yvonne Goodman 7 11 1987
Burton, Constance to Wilfred Morgan 17 2 1958
Burton, Dorothy to Ronald Gwyther 30 9 1959
Burton, Dulcie to Christopher Jelley 29 10 1958
Burton, Eileen to James Dickins 25 7 1951
Burton, Elsie to Eric Jones 28 4 1954
Burton, George to Dilys Thomas 15 6 1955
Burton, Marjorie to Laurence Price 4 7 1956
Butcher, Charles to Alice Morse 4 7 1899
Butler, James to Mary James 13 3 1806
Butler, John to Jane Hood 12 11 1840
Butler, Peter to Ann Voyle 29 5 1810
Butler, Sheila to Arthur Shutt 26 3 1955
Buttler, Edward to Ruth David 30 10 1762
Cadwalader, Hanna to George Williams 7 2 1727
Callan, Clifford to Josephine Howells 3 3 1962
Campbell, Muriel to Courtenay Boyle 20 4 1876
Canton, Alan to Rosemarie Bardsley 6 8 1966
Canton, John to Elizabeth Evans 28 10 1797
Canton, John to Margaret Owen 31 10 1857
Canton, John to Elin Mary Jones 30 7 1994
Canton, Kathleen to Thorval Spure 6 9 1944
Canton, Mary to John Richards 29 10 1898
Canton, Peter to Ailsa Davies 3 8 1974
Canton, Ronald to Selina John 24 6 1944
Canton, Thomas to Martha Phillips 31 10 1912
Canton, Thomas to Clytha Mathias 25 8 1945
Canton, William to Martha Williams 24 7 1886
Canton, William James to Sandra James 16 6 1979
Carrow, Richard to Anne Wright 12 5 1771
Castle, Elizabeth to David Thomas 10 9 1826
Chalmers, Iain Donald to Jane Elizabeth Goodman 24 8 1991
Charlett, Gwyn to Pauline Jones 24 10 1987
Chester, Charlotte to Walter Mousley 1 10 1874
Child, Anne to Richard Merchant 6 10 1744
Churchill, John to Martha Phillip 23 1 1866
Cilkin?, Alexander to Elizabeth Scale 11 6 1780
Clark, Dorothy to John James 3 8 1953
Clark, Sarah to Robert Rogers 18 7 1818
Cocram, Elizabeth to Henry? Lawless 27 12 1729
Cole, Barbara to Ronald Gwyther 5 8 1946
Cole, Dorothy to Frederick Dyson 27 9 1947
Cole, Elizabeth to Samuel Mason 21 10 1780
Cole, George to Anne John 13 11 1824
Cole, Harriet to Manfred Rossiter 31 10 1928
Cole, James to Mary Thomas 17 10 1829
Cole, John to Annie Harries 5 6 1909
Cole, Thomas to Dorothy Brixton 17 4 1922
Cole, William to Eliza Williams 16 7 1891
Cole, William to Alice Roberts 31 10 1931
Coles, Ann to Alfred Johns 17 4 1909
Colins, Jone to Thomas Hughs 30 9 1727
Colins, William to Margaret Thomas 31 10 1749
Collins, Margaret to John Thomas 7 10 1780
Cook, Mary to Henry Duggan 23 6 1763
Cook, Mary to George Leach 20 3 1814
Coombes, Catherine to Henry Prout 1 4 1918
Cosins, John to Margaret Hood 14 6 1753
Courtney, Robert to Julie Armstrong 15 7 1978
Cousins, Alice to George Scourfield 20 12 1913
Couzens, Anne to John Rogers 21 12 1771
Cox, Janet to Christopher Waters 18 9 1971
Cummings, Elizabeth to William Hand 29 7 1818
Cuthbert, George to Elizabeth Thomas 14 10 1879
Cuthbert, Jane to James Harding 11 5 1880
David, ? to Martha Millard 18 10 1729
David, Anne to Francis Webb 16 6 1730
David, Anne to Lewis Jones 11 11 1758
David, Elizabeth to John Jones 20 10 1759
David, John to Mary Morrice 7 5 1742
David, John to Martha David 6 10 1744
David, Martha to John David 6 10 1744
David, Martha to Thomas Jones 24 4 1748
David, Mary to William Griffiths 14 6 1724
David, Mary to George Rees 8 4 1751
David, Mary to Henry Phillips 9 1 1753
David, Ruth to Edward Buttler 30 10 1762
David, William to Lettice Boyer 29 9 1739
David, William to Anne Reece 8 5 1763
Davies, Ailsa to Peter Canton 3 8 1974
Davies, Ann to William Evans 24 7 1869
Davies, Ann to Thomas Brace 24 5 1879
Davies, Ann to Thomas Davies 9 9 1882
Davies, Anne to William Brenning 4 11 1820
Davies, Benjaman to Mary James 24 10 1885
Davies, Benjamin to Letitia Rees 8 5 1789
Davies, Benjamin to Elizabeth Brooks 27 8 1842
Davies, Benjamin to Margaret Phillips 27 12 1856
Davies, Brenda to Ronald Bowen 5 11 1955
Davies, Catherine to George Thomas 31 10 1835
Davies, Charlotte to George Howells 5 9 1846
Davies, David to Catherine Rogers 11 1 1818
Davies, Dinah to John Harris 2 3 1786
Davies, Elizabeth to Thomas Hay 6 10 1747
Davies, Elizabeth to James Williams 28 6 1831
Davies, Elizabeth to William Walters 14 12 1850
Davies, Elizabeth to William Young 10 4 1915
Davies, Esther to John Thomas 19 11 1853
Davies, Esther to Henry Mathias 10 12 1874
Davies, Frances to John Williams 26 9 1846
Davies, George to Mary Voyle 19 12 1809
Davies, George to Mary Harries 23 3 1852
Davies, George to Constance Phillips 14 6 1923
Davies, Innes to Mary Jones 1 8 1812
Davies, Ivor to Elizabeth Griffiths 11 5 1939
Davies, James to Ann Bowen 12 10 1871
Davies, James to Winifred Parcell 6 11 1930
Davies, John to Susan Preece 23 5 1970
Davies, Lettice to Henry Lowden 28 10 1829
Davies, Lilian to George Evans 18 2 1922
Davies, Margaret to John James 3 11 1763
Davies, Margaret to John James 3 11 1764
Davies, Margaret to Thomas Williams 12 4 1828
Davies, Margaret to John Williams 17 2 1840
Davies, Martha to John Jones 12 1 1839
Davies, Martha to Thomas Mathews 9 8 1862
Davies, Mary to Benjamin Hall 5 8 1775
Davies, Mary to John Harries 19 1 1806
Davies, Richard to Susan Huxtable 19 9 1970
Davies, Rosanna to Nathaniel Rowe 23 10 1917
Davies, Sarah to Stephen James 17 10 1846
Davies, Sarah to Richard Rees 4 12 1869
Davies, Stephen to Mary White 5 2 1743
Davies, Stephen to Hester Herbert 8 7 1831
Davies, Thomas to Frances James 16 7 1803
Davies, Thomas to Ann Davies 9 9 1882
Davies, William to Mary Prout 30 6 1726
Davies, William to Jane Price 28 6 1834
Davies, William to Martha Williams 20 9 1845
Davis, John to Elizabeth Williams 15 7 1780
Davis, William to Mary Amson 15 7 1769
Dawkins, Alice to George Tenant 4 6 1735
Dawkins, Alice to William Whelling 21 9 1800
Dawkins, Ann to William Summers 6 8 1831
Dawkins, Elizabeth to Thomas Griffith 18 9 1802
Dawkins, Henry to Lettice Streets 5 9 1725
Dawkins, John to Mary Lewis 17 10 1751
Dawkins, Mary to James Roch 1 11 1746
Dawkins, Thomas to Dorothy John 8 11 1783
Day, Juliet to Richard John Evans 22 6 1991
Deamas, Herbert to Ann Jones 23 3 1854
Dean, Frederick to Janet Henton 21 6 1938
Dickens, Frederick to Iris Nicholas 2 8 1947
Dickins, James to Eileen Burton 25 7 1951
Disney, Rachel to Alexander Philip Holland 29 5 1993
Dix, Edith to Alfred Nicholas 8 6 1935
Dodd, Janice to Adrian Sewell 12 2 1977
Dool, Mary to James Gwyther 6 11 1770
Doole, John to Mary Rogers 24 10 1738
Drinkwater, John to Jane Philips 13 10 1759
Duggan, Catherine to Thomas Thomas 13 9 1777
Duggan, Elizabeth to Matthew Williams 21 4 1767
Duggan, Elizabeth to Thomas Williams 23 2 1788
Duggan, Frances to John George 4 5 1765
Duggan, Henry to Elizabeth Reece 23 9 1727
Duggan, Henry to Mary Cook 23 6 1763
Duggan, Margaret to James Williams 22 11 1781
Duggan, Mary to William Owens 13 3 1771
Duggan, Thomas to Mary Jones 28 7 1771
Dyson, Frederick to Dorothy Cole 27 9 1947
Edmund, Jane to Thomas Griffith 2 2 1739
Edwards, Anne to Thomas Williams 9 12 1786
Edwards, David to Pamela Jenkins 3 4 1972
Edwards, Elizabeth to Thomas Hay 31 5 1783
Edwards, Eric Brynley to Olwen Evans 20 4 1946
Edwards, John to Maria Furlong 20 7 1869
Edwards, John to Frances Mathews 10 7 1880
Edwards, John to Elizabeth James 8 2 1890
Edwards, Mary to William Roch 7 4 1917
Edwards, Patricia to Michael Bradstock 3 8 1968
Edwards, Sampson to Jane Griffith 28 4 1753
Eliot, Anne to Francis Meare? 23 6 1726
Elliston, Richard to Anne Griffiths 26 10 1828
Epster, Jane to George Hay 2 3 1833
Esmond, David to Carol Spure 1 6 1963
Esmond, Thomas to Violet Phillips 4 6 1963
Evans, Alun to Jacqueline Prout 21 4 1976
Evans, Ann to Thomas Harris 23 4 1853
Evans, Anne to John Reece 24 5 1740
Evans, Daniel to Martha Tucker 5 10 1839
Evans, Elizabeth to John Canton 28 10 1797
Evans, Frances to Joseph Webb 21 10 1875
Evans, Frances to James Jones 1 9 1919
Evans, George to Lilian Davies 18 2 1922
Evans, Gwerful Eleanor to Eric Hathway 10 8 1955
Evans, Hester to William Paige 9 10 1919
Evans, John to Margaret Scourfield 25 1 1883
Evans, Margaret to John Phillips 20 11 1886
Evans, Mary to John Jenkins 28 7 1833
Evans, Mary to Paul Baunicke 22 12 1949
Evans, Olwen to Eric Brynley Edwards 20 4 1946
Evans, Rachel to Richard Pryse 25 6 1895
Evans, Richard John to Juliet Day 22 6 1991
Evans, Thomas to Mary Williams 8 6 1920
Evans, William to Ann Davies 24 7 1869
Evans, William to Annie Harries 19 5 1917
Evans, William to Ida Roch 26 4 1947
Eynon, Beryl to John Nisbet 9 8 1947
Fath, Christian to Julie Elizabeth Tudge 28 10 1989
Fitch, David to Joanna Kiln 6 1 1973
Fortune, John to Mary Tucker 1 8 1829
Freeman, Joseph to Sophia Prout 14 10 1915
Froyne, William to Elizabeth Streets 6 10 1782
Furlong, Ann to John Griffith 26 3 1831
Furlong, Catherine to John Gwyther 13 8 1857
Furlong, Fanny to Edwin Hore 9 4 1857
Furlong, John to Susan Gough 13 5 1746
Furlong, John to Martha10 Hitchins 10 5 1781
Furlong, John to Margaret Williams 20 9 1816
Furlong, Maria to John Edwards 20 7 1869
Furlong, Mary to George Williams 18 1 1810
Furlong, Sarah to Henry Morgan 7 7 1805
Furlong, Susan to William Lloyd 16 12 1775
Furlong, William to Violet Jenkins 1 10 1939
Garbatt, John to Mary Thomas 8 12 1828
Garlick, Alison Margaret to Simon Peter Charles Hagan 9 10 1993
Garlick, Colin to Sheila Mathias 30 3 1970
Garlick, Ivy to John Webster 17 4 1963
Garratt, Angela to Neil Thomas 27 8 1988
George, John to Frances Duggan 4 5 1765
Gibbon, William to Christine Prout 27 11 1965
Gill, Terence to Gillian Preece 19 3 1960
Goodman, Brian to Margaret Bateman 6 1 1962
Goodman, Jane Elizabeth to Iain Donald Chalmers 24 8 1991
Goodman, Yvonne to Trevor Bullivant 7 11 1987
Goss, Abraham to Elizabeth Morse 6 11 1779
Gough, Abraham to Lettice Hughs 23 8 1755
Gough, Susan to John Furlong 13 5 1746
Green, John to Elizabeth Powell 13 1 1842
Griffith, Alice to Owen Bevans 29 10 1745
Griffith, Jane to Sampson Edwards 28 4 1753
Griffith, John to Martha Griffith 29 5 1825
Griffith, John to Diana Hitchings 27 10 1827
Griffith, John to Ann Furlong 26 3 1831
Griffith, Martha to John Griffith 29 5 1825
Griffith, Mary to Thomas Philips 3 11 1776
Griffith, Mary to Richard Wade 31 1 1797
Griffith, Mary to George Stephens 16 10 1853
Griffith, Rowland to Mary Morse 17 12 1820
Griffith, Thomas to Jane Edmund 2 2 1739
Griffith, Thomas to Elizabeth Dawkins 18 9 1802
Griffith, William to Henrietta Williams 6 11 1802
Griffiths, Anne to Richard Elliston 26 10 1828
Griffiths, Elizabeth to Ivor Davies 11 5 1939
Griffiths, Evan to Beryl Mathias 22 7 1942
Griffiths, James to Elizabeth Williams 14 10 1893
Griffiths, James to Elsie Richards 17 5 1932
Griffiths, John to Ann Tucker 16 1 1842
Griffiths, John to Mary Howells 13 9 1845
Griffiths, Sarah to James James 22 4 1837
Griffiths, Thomas to Margaret Rogers 26 4 1932
Griffiths, William to Mary David 14 6 1724
Griffiths, William to Mary Nicholas 23 1 1872
Grist, Edith to Arthur Hall 18 6 1924
Grist, Florence to David Hall 14 6 1922
Gwyther, Charlotte to John Kay 19 6 1860
Gwyther, Elizabethh to Benjamin Saunders 15 8 1769
Gwyther, Elizabethj to Abraham Powell 6 2 1770
Gwyther, Fanny to Henry Thomas 18 10 1888
Gwyther, Francis to Maria Hood 5 1 1826
Gwyther, George to Elizabeth Richards 17 10 1877
Gwyther, James to Mary Dool 6 11 1770
Gwyther, Jane to Thomas Gwyther 6 2 1790
Gwyther, John to Lettice Teage 29 6 1789
Gwyther, John to Catherine Furlong 13 8 1857
Gwyther, Maria to Francis Morris 27 10 1887
Gwyther, Mary to William Powell 19 5 1774
Gwyther, Mary to Henry Luly 18 4 1799
Gwyther, Ronald to Barbara Cole 5 8 1946
Gwyther, Ronald to Dorothy Burton 30 9 1959
Gwyther, Thomas to Jane Gwyther 6 2 1790
Hagan, Simon Peter Charles to Alison Garlick 9 10 1993
Hall, Ann to John Tucker 1 1 1825
Hall, Anne to Thomas Porter 13 10 1798
Hall, Arthur to Edith Grist 18 6 1924
Hall, Benjamin to Mary Davies 5 8 1775
Hall, David to Florence Grist 14 6 1922
Hall, Henry to Mary Jones 28 9 1728
Hall, James to Mary Lloyd 22 1 1761
Hall, James to Mary Roberts 13 2 1802
Hall, James to Mary Jones 29 4 1809
Hall, Martha to Isaac Harris 12 5 1832
Hall, Mary to James John 29 10 1763
Hall, Rees to Mary Rees 4 2 1758
Hall, William to Margaret Thomas 19 6 1853
Hand, William to Elizabeth Cummings 29 7 1818
Harding, James to Jane Cuthbert 11 5 1880
Harries, Alfred to Ellen Lewis 7 11 1891
Harries, Alfred to Annie Mathias 22 10 1910
Harries, Annie to John Cole 5 6 1909
Harries, Annie to William Evans 19 5 1917
Harries, Emily to Albert Rees 30 11 1910
Harries, John to Mary Davies 19 1 1806
Harries, Martha to Thomas Whelby 29 6 1915
Harries, Mary to George Davies 23 3 1852
Harris, Isaac to Martha Hall 12 5 1832
Harris, John to Dinah Davies 2 3 1786
Harris, Thomas to Ann Evans 23 4 1853
Harrison, Ann to George Beynon 30 5 1865
Hathway, Eric to Gwerful Eleanor Evans 10 8 1955
Hay, George to Jane Epster 2 3 1833
Hay, Graham to Patricia Shutt 31 10 1981
Hay, John to Anne Jones 7 5 1774
Hay, Sarah to Peter Johns 16 9 1842
Hay, Thomas to Elizabeth Davies 6 10 1747
Hay, Thomas to Elizabeth Edwards 31 5 1783
Hay, Thomas to Frances Stephens 29 9 1838
Heggs, Rachel to Gwilym Prout 11 7 1953
Heir, James to Jane Thomas 4 9 1803
Henton, Janet to Frederick Dean 21 6 1938
Herbert, Hester to Stephen Davies 8 7 1831
Hier, George to Mary Lewis 22 6 1805
Higson, John to Ann Hughes 6 3 1870
Hill, John to Mary Williams 17 11 1743
Hillen, Margaret to Henry Morgans 26 11 1772
Hitchings, Diana to John Griffith 27 10 1827
Hitchings, Elizabeth to John Powell 6 12 1798
Hitchings, Henry to Jone Loyd 15 7 1733
Hitchings, Margaret to George? Rogers 11 8 1740
Hitchings, Richard to Mary Loogan 2 4 1783
Hitchins, Martha10 to John Furlong 10 5 1781
Holland, Alexander Philip to Rachel Disney 29 5 1993
Holmes, Myra to Arthur Phillips 26 3 1932
Hood, Elizabeth to Henry Raisin 13 4 1869
Hood, George to Maria Rogers 27 11 1814
Hood, Jane to John Butler 12 11 1840
Hood, John to Elizabeth Bowen 26 12 1922
Hood, Margaret to John Cosins 14 6 1753
Hood, Maria to Francis Gwyther 5 1 1826
Hood, Mary to John Streets 20 10 1737
Hore, Edwin to Fanny Furlong 9 4 1857
Hose, Mary to Thomas Johns 20 10 1884
Howell, Abraham to Hannah Watkins 6 1 1765
Howell, Elizabeth to William Williams 11 11 1756
Howell, George to Mary Howell 13 12 1759
Howell, Hugh to Jone Rowe 27 9 1730
Howell, Mary to George Howell 13 12 1759
Howells, Elsie to Hans Lustig 15 12 1949
Howells, George to Charlotte Davies 5 9 1846
Howells, Josephine to Clifford Callan 3 3 1962
Howells, Mary to John Griffiths 13 9 1845
Hughes, Ann to John Higson 6 3 1870
Hughes, Jane to David Morgan 20 6 1809
Hughes, John to Dorothy Warlow 16 10 1790
Hughes, John to Mary Phillips 6 8 1864
Hughs, Elizabeth to Thomas Nash 21 10 1758
Hughs, John to Elizabeth Morrice 1 1 1759
Hughs, Lettice to Abraham Gough 23 8 1755
Hughs, Thomas to Elinor Thomas 20 8 1727
Hughs, Thomas to Jone Colins 30 9 1727
Hustler, Spencer to Anne Leach 21 2 1854
Hutchings, Griffith to Elizabeth Boyle 29 5 1834
Hutchings, James to Margaret Beynon 27 3 1879
Huxtable, Susan to Richard Davies 19 9 1970
James, Angela to Paul Bevans 24 6 1978
James, Anne to George Morgans 11 12 1824
James, Elizabeth to William Rees 26 11 1791
James, Elizabeth to Thomas James 7 4 1838
James, Elizabeth to John Edwards 8 2 1890
James, Ellen to William Stephens 19 12 1903
James, Frances to Thomas Davies 16 7 1803
James, Henry to Jane Nicholas 28 12 1850
James, James to Sarah Griffiths 22 4 1837
James, John to Margaret Davies 3 11 1763
James, John to Margaret Davies 3 11 1764
James, John to Anne Rees 15 10 1772
James, John to Dorothy Clark 3 8 1953
James, Margaret to Eric Nicholas 4 4 1959
James, Martha to William James 12 12 1829
James, Mary to James Butler 13 3 1806
James, Mary to William Rowlands 30 5 1818
James, Mary to David Williams 14 10 1837
James, Mary to Benjaman Davies 24 10 1885
James, Ronald to Eunice Thomas 6 8 1955
James, Sandra to William James Canton 16 6 1979
James, Stephen to Sarah Davies 17 10 1846
James, Thomas to Anne Amson 26 11 1774
James, Thomas to Elizabeth James 7 4 1838
James, Thomas to Elizabeth Tucker 12 1 1839
James, Thomas to Elizabeth Long 2 10 1909
James, William to Anne Brunning 17 10 1789
James, William to Martha James 12 12 1829
James, William to Mabel Shutt 19 6 1948
Jelley, Christopher to Dulcie Burton 29 10 1958
Jenkins, Ewan to Mary Thomas 30 8 1961
Jenkins, John to Mary Evans 28 7 1833
Jenkins, John to Jane Adams 10 9 1864
Jenkins, Pamela to David Edwards 3 4 1972
Jenkins, Pauline to Peter Mackay 22 9 1973
Jenkins, Priscilla to William Bowen 17 3 1822
Jenkins, Violet to William Furlong 1 10 1939
Jennings, David to Sandra Louise Mathias 28 10 1995
John, Anne to George Cole 13 11 1824
John, Arthur to Olwyn Phillips 21 7 1945
John, Dorothy to Thomas Dawkins 8 11 1783
John, Elizabeth to Thomas John 17 2 1759
John, Elsie to James John 28 4 1951
John, Evan to Margaret Jones 28 4 1744
John, George to Jane Owens 14 11 1829
John, Ivy to Thomas Lloyd 24 6 1941
John, James to Mary Hall 29 10 1763
John, James to Elsie John 28 4 1951
John, Kathryn Louise to James Richard Jones 26 9 1992
John, Keith to Lesley Phillips 18 12 1965
John, Mary to Leslie Williams 3 3 1973
John, Oswald to Winifred Phillips 21 7 1945
John, Selina to Ronald Canton 24 6 1944
John, Sophie to John White 17 8 1873
John, Thomas to Elizabeth John 17 2 1759
Johns, Alfred to Ann Coles 17 4 1909
Johns, Elizabeth to William Morgan 3 6 1909
Johns, Mark to Alice Long 8 12 1906
Johns, Mary to George Mills 21 8 1902
Johns, Peter to Sarah Hay 16 9 1842
Johns, Thomas to Mary Hose 20 10 1884
Jones, Andrea to Peter Lilley 4 4 1964
Jones, Ann to Herbert Deamas 23 3 1854
Jones, Anne to John Mosely 4 10 1772
Jones, Anne to John Hay 7 5 1774
Jones, Anne to James Vaughan 3 3 1791
Jones, Barbara to John Beynon 17 9 1809
Jones, Catherine to Thomas Stephens 3 10 1747
Jones, Elin Mary to John Canton 30 7 1994
Jones, Elizabeth to William White 6 11 1731
Jones, Elizabeth to William Stephens 9 5 1783
Jones, Elizabeth to George Picton 24 10 1914
Jones, Eric to Elsie Burton 28 4 1954
Jones, Hesther to David Thomas 4 1 1741
Jones, Isaac to Elizabeth Williams 3 7 1757
Jones, Ivor to Gwendoline Phillips 2 4 1932
Jones, James to Sarah Philips 17 8 1767
Jones, James to Martha Williams 1 3 1811
Jones, James to Frances Evans 1 9 1919
Jones, James Richard to Kathryn Louise John 26 9 1992
Jones, John to Elizabeth David 20 10 1759
Jones, John to Bridget Brace 13 10 1785
Jones, John to Martha Davies 12 1 1839
Jones, John to Elsie Mathias 26 1 1924
Jones, Lewis to Anne David 11 11 1758
Jones, Margaret to Evan John 28 4 1744
Jones, Margaret to John Narbett 22 4 1865
Jones, Mary to Henry Hall 28 9 1728
Jones, Mary to John Powel 31 1 1728
Jones, Mary to Thomas Duggan 28 7 1771
Jones, Mary to James Hall 29 4 1809
Jones, Mary to Innes Davies 1 8 1812
Jones, Mary to John Roch 19 12 1824
Jones, Pamela to Gareth Rees 18 6 1988
Jones, Pauline to Gwyn Charlett 24 10 1987
Jones, Peter to Patricia Prout 18 10 1961
Jones, Richard to Hesther Morrice 5 10 1727
Jones, Sarah to William Philpin 2 11 1782
Jones, Sydney to Eunice Brace 26 11 1955
Jones, Thomas to Martha David 24 4 1748
Jones, Thomas to Mary Thomas 24 3 1804
Jones, William to Elizabeth Lawrence 23 1 1762
Jones, William to Elizabeth Mathias 10 12 1885
Kay, John to Charlotte Gwyther 19 6 1860
Kiln, Christine to Richard Barrett 22 5 1971
Kiln, Joanna to David Fitch 6 1 1973
Kinnan?, William to Mary Thomas 1 3 1834
Lawless, Henry? to Elizabeth Cocram 27 12 1729
Lawrence, Elizabeth to William Jones 23 1 1762
Lawrence, John to Mary Williams 8 12 1770
Leach, Abraham to Sarah Streets 10 10 1772
Leach, Anne to Spencer Hustler 21 2 1854
Leach, George to Mary Cook 20 3 1814
Leach, Mary to Richard Scourfield 15 6 1754
Leonard, Violet to Richard Williams 24 11 1934
Lewis, Ann to Richard Barrett 8 10 1859
Lewis, Ellen to Alfred Harries 7 11 1891
Lewis, Henry to Frances Thomas 26 8 1777
Lewis, Mary to John Dawkins 17 10 1751
Lewis, Mary to George Hier 22 6 1805
Lewis, Millicent to Peter Pannell 25 11 1961
Lewis, Ronald to Gladys Joan Phillips 4 4 1942
Lewis, Susan to David Ainsworth 23 1 1988
Lewis, Thomas to Dilys Prout 4 1 1958
Lewis, William to Ellen Mathias 29 4 1911
Lilley, Peter to Andrea Jones 4 4 1964
Llewellin, Frances to David Powell 13 1 1856
Lloyd, Elizabeth to Francis Tancred 3 1 1767
Lloyd, James to Elizabeth Login 4 10 1823
Lloyd, Mary to James Hall 22 1 1761
Lloyd, Thomas to Ivy John 24 6 1941
Lloyd, William to Susan Furlong 16 12 1775
Lo, Faith to Carl F. Donald Smith 15 4 1963
Lock, George to Elizabeth Tucker 29 10 1786
Lock, John to Margaret Tucker 20 8 1786
Lock, Mary to Henry Philp 20 4 1817
Loggie, Margaret to James Macpherson 18 8 1777
Login, Elizabeth to James Lloyd 4 10 1823
Long, Alice to Mark Johns 8 12 1906
Long, Elizabeth to Thomas James 2 10 1909
Long, George to Hester Long 24 9 1874
Long, Harriet to Thomas Reynolds 24 1 1880
Long, Hester to George Long 24 9 1874
Long, John to Elizabeth Bowling 15 11 1845
Long, William to Mary Phillips 9 11 1876
Loogan, Mary to Richard Hitchings 2 4 1783
Lowden, Henry to Lettice Davies 28 10 1829
Loyd, Jone to Henry Hitchings 15 7 1733
Luly, Henry to Mary Gwyther 18 4 1799
Lunt, Phillip to Elizabeth Williams 28 5 1973
Lustig, Hans to Elsie Howells 15 12 1949
Lustig, Michael to Linda Smith 25 10 1975
Mable, Evan to Gwendoline Smith 11 2 1961
Mable, Gwendoline to Norman Smith 5 4 1986
Mable, Robert James to Rebecca Jane Watts 12 8 1995
Macaskill, John to Louise Rees 19 8 1946
Mackay, Peter to Pauline Jenkins 22 9 1973
Macken, David to Dorothy Shears 6 9 1958
Macpherson, James to Margaret Loggie 18 8 1777
Mason, Edward to Elizabeth Beynon 31 10 1746
Mason, Ivor to Nesta Mathias 9 6 1951
Mason, John to Elizabeth Reece 27 10 1737
Mason, Joseph to Abra Twygg 7 11 1752
Mason, Samuel to Elizabeth Cole 21 10 1780
Mason, William to Joyce Bateman 23 6 1951
Mathews, Frances to John Edwards 10 7 1880
Mathews, Thomas to Martha Davies 9 8 1862
Mathias, Annie to Alfred Harries 22 10 1910
Mathias, Beryl to Evan Griffiths 22 7 1942
Mathias, Clytha to Thomas Canton 25 8 1945
Mathias, David to Mary Thomas 20 7 1781
Mathias, Elizabeth to William Jones 10 12 1885
Mathias, Elizabeth to Alan Barnes 30 9 1967
Mathias, Ellen to William Lewis 29 4 1911
Mathias, Elsie to John Jones 26 1 1924
Mathias, George to Mary Bowen 8 5 1840
Mathias, Henry to Esther Davies 10 12 1874
Mathias, James to Ann Smith 4 10 1834
Mathias, Nesta to Ivor Mason 9 6 1951
Mathias, Olwen to Ronald Williams 30 12 1939
Mathias, Sandra Louise to David Jennings 28 10 1995
Mathias, Sheila to Colin Garlick 30 3 1970
Matthias, Margaret to William Vaughan 23 10 1897
Meare?, Francis to Anne Eliot 23 6 1726
Mends, Elizabeth to John Reece 27 10 1739
Merchant, Richard to Anne Child 6 10 1744
Miles, Margaret to Peter Thomas 7 4 1969
Millard, Martha to ? David 18 10 1729
Mills, George to Mary Johns 21 8 1902
Mills, Robert to Angela Bowen 25 8 1973
Morgan, David to Jane Hughes 20 6 1809
Morgan, Henry to Sarah Furlong 7 7 1805
Morgan, Phyllis to Ronald Mumford 25 3 1940
Morgan, Stephen to Catherine Beth Prout 31 7 1982
Morgan, Wilfred to Constance Burton 17 2 1958
Morgan, William to Elizabeth Johns 3 6 1909
Morgan-Somers, Paul to Suzanne Somers 8 7 1989
Morgans, Frederick to Eliza Barlow 6 8 1907
Morgans, George to Anne James 11 12 1824
Morgans, Henry to Margaret Hillen 26 11 1772
Morgans, Joseph to Margaret Phillips 26 2 1881
Morgans, Martha to John Morse 18 12 1825
Morrice, Elizabeth to John Williams 30 9 1749
Morrice, Elizabeth to John Hughs 1 1 1759
Morrice, Elizabeth to John Rees 9 10 1762
Morrice, Hesther to Richard Jones 5 10 1727
Morrice, Mary to John David 7 5 1742
Morris, Francis to Maria Gwyther 27 10 1887
Morris, Frank to Bertha Rossiter 20 6 1918
Morris, Joseph to Evelyn Richards 5 8 1933
Morris, Lewis to Dora Morse 20 8 1924
Morris, Margaret to Thomas Thomas 8 9 1883
Morris, William to Mary Nash 17 9 1825
Morse, Alice to Charles Butcher 4 7 1899
Morse, Dora to Lewis Morris 20 8 1924
Morse, Elizabeth to Abraham Goss 6 11 1779
Morse, John to Martha Morgans 18 12 1825
Morse, Mary to Rowland Griffith 17 12 1820
Mosely, John to Anne Jones 4 10 1772
Mousley, Walter to Charlotte Chester 1 10 1874
Mumford, Ronald to Phyllis Morgan 25 3 1940
Muxworthy, William to Margaret Thomas 16 12 1923
Naish, Mervyn to Audrey Phillips 22 10 1960
Narbett, John to Margaret Jones 22 4 1865
Nash, Mary to William Morris 17 9 1825
Nash, Thomas to Elizabeth Hughs 21 10 1758
Nicholas, Alfred to Edith Dix 8 6 1935
Nicholas, Elizabeth to Frederick Watts 4 9 1937
Nicholas, Eric to Margaret James 4 4 1959
Nicholas, George to Mary OBryan 14 2 1829
Nicholas, Iris to Frederick Dickens 2 8 1947
Nicholas, Jane to Henry James 28 12 1850
Nicholas, Lorna to David Brackpool 12 7 1986
Nicholas, Mary to William Griffiths 23 1 1872
Nisbet, John to Beryl Eynon 9 8 1947
Nuthall, John to Clara Osmond 30 7 1915
OBryan, Mary to George Nicholas 14 2 1829
Osmond, Clara to John Nuthall 30 7 1915
Owen, Margaret to John Canton 31 10 1857
Owens, Elizabeth to William Voyle 20 2 1766
Owens, Jane to George John 14 11 1829
Owens, William to Mary Duggan 13 3 1771
Paige, William to Hester Evans 9 10 1919
Painter, Mary to Thomas Rees 1 6 1850
Palmer, Thomas to Margaret Bartlett 19 2 1792
Pannell, Peter to Millicent Lewis 25 11 1961
Parcell, Winifred to James Davies 6 11 1930
Parry, William to Mary Williams 10 12 1815
Philips, Jane to John Drinkwater 13 10 1759
Philips, Sarah to James Jones 17 8 1767
Philips, Thomas to Mary Griffith 3 11 1776
Phillip, Martha to John Churchill 23 1 1866
Phillips, ? to Alice Ash 30 12 1735
Phillips, Alice to William Prout 24 4 1917
Phillips, Arthur to Myra Holmes 26 3 1932
Phillips, Audrey to Mervyn Naish 22 10 1960
Phillips, Catherine to John Williams 7 9 1985
Phillips, Constance to George Davies 14 6 1923
Phillips, Elizabeth to Ivor Phillips 27 12 1926
Phillips, Florence to Stephen Richards 26 10 1920
Phillips, Gladys Joan to Ronald Lewis 4 4 1942
Phillips, Gwendoline to Ivor Jones 2 4 1932
Phillips, Henry to Mary David 9 1 1753
Phillips, Ivor to Elizabeth Phillips 27 12 1926
Phillips, John to Margaret Evans 20 11 1886
Phillips, Jone to Thomas Vittle 14 10 1738
Phillips, Lesley to Keith John 18 12 1965
Phillips, Margaret to Benjamin Davies 27 12 1856
Phillips, Margaret to Joseph Morgans 26 2 1881
Phillips, Martha to Thomas Canton 31 10 1912
Phillips, Mary to Francis Reece 13 10 1748
Phillips, Mary to John Hughes 6 8 1864
Phillips, Mary to William Long 9 11 1876
Phillips, Mary to George Roblin 6 1 1924
Phillips, Olwyn to Arthur John 21 7 1945
Phillips, Stephen to Mary Beynon 4 11 1863
Phillips, Violet to Thomas Esmond 4 6 1963
Phillips, William to Martha Watts 6 1 1883
Phillips, William to Lilian Beynon 21 5 1914
Phillips, Winifred to Harold Young 4 11 1926
Phillips, Winifred to Oswald John 21 7 1945
Philp, Hannah to John Rowe 10 12 1768
Philp, Henry to Mary Lock 20 4 1817
Philp, Susan to Richard Rice 17 10 1727
Philpin, William to Sarah Jones 2 11 1782
Picton, George to Elizabeth Jones 24 10 1914
Picton, Martha to Lewis Thomas 2 5 1804
Porter, Thomas to Anne Hall 13 10 1798
Powel, John to Mary Jones 31 1 1728
Powell, Abraham to Elizabeth Gwyther 6 2 1770
Powell, Ann to John Protheroe 14 10 1845
Powell, David to Frances Llewellin 13 1 1856
Powell, Elizabeth to John Green 13 1 1842
Powell, John to Elizabeth Hitchings 6 12 1798
Powell, Lettice to Joshua Taylor 17 9 1833
Powell, Margaret to Thomas Powell 6 2 1800
Powell, Margaret to Thomas Rogers 27 10 1871
Powell, Mary to Griffith Rogers 13 3 1783
Powell, Thomas to Margaret Powell 6 2 1800
Powell, William to Mary Gwyther 19 5 1774
Preece, Gillian to Terence Gill 19 3 1960
Preece, Susan to John Davies 23 5 1970
Price, Elizabeth to Faithful Rossiter 2 11 1765
Price, Jane to William Davies 28 6 1834
Price, Laurence to Marjorie Burton 4 7 1956
Prothero, William to Mary Rees 19 10 1777
Protheroe, John to Ann Powell 14 10 1845
Prout, Alwyn to William Williams 30 5 1953
Prout, Catherine Beth to Stephen Morgan 31 7 1982
Prout, Christine to William Gibbon 27 11 1965
Prout, Dilys to Thomas Lewis 4 1 1958
Prout, Gwilym to Rachel Heggs 11 7 1953
Prout, Henry to Catherine Coombes 1 4 1918
Prout, Jacqueline to Alun Evans 21 4 1976
Prout, Kathleen to James Richards 29 4 1953
Prout, Mary to William Davies 30 6 1726
Prout, Mavis to Hubert Young 31 1 1950
Prout, Patricia to Peter Jones 18 10 1961
Prout, Rachel Jill to Neil Rigby 27 3 1978
Prout, Sophia to Joseph Freeman 14 10 1915
Prout, William to Alice Phillips 24 4 1917
Pryse, Richard to Rachel Evans 25 6 1895
Raisin, Henry to Elizabeth Hood 13 4 1869
Raymond, Alfred to Mary Reynolds 5 11 1901
Reece, Anne to William David 8 5 1763
Reece, Elizabeth to Henry Duggan 23 9 1727
Reece, Elizabeth to John Mason 27 10 1737
Reece, Francis to Mary Phillips 13 10 1748
Reece, John to Elizabeth Mends 27 10 1739
Reece, John to Anne Evans 24 5 1740
Reece, Mary to John Bevans 23 10 1731
Rees, Albert to Emily Harries 30 11 1910
Rees, Anne to John James 15 10 1772
Rees, Gareth to Pamela Jones 18 6 1988
Rees, George to Mary David 8 4 1751
Rees, John to Elizabeth Morrice 9 10 1762
Rees, Letitia to Benjamin Davies 8 5 1789
Rees, Louise to John Macaskill 19 8 1946
Rees, Mary to Rees Hall 4 2 1758
Rees, Mary to William Prothero 19 10 1777
Rees, Richard to Sarah Davies 4 12 1869
Rees, Seymour to Martha Williams 20 4 1935
Rees, Thomas to Mary Painter 1 6 1850
Rees, William to Elizabeth James 26 11 1791
Reynald, Elizabeth to Moses Bowen 29 9 1736
Reynolds, David to Mary Williams 23 7 1748
Reynolds, John to Sarah Stephens 11 8 1861
Reynolds, Mary to Alfred Raymond 5 11 1901
Reynolds, Ruth to Emrys Westacott 29 9 1947
Reynolds, Thomas to Harriet Long 24 1 1880
Rice, Richard to Susan Philp 17 10 1727
Richards, Elizabeth to George Gwyther 17 10 1877
Richards, Elsie to James Griffiths 17 5 1932
Richards, Evelyn to Joseph Morris 5 8 1933
Richards, James to Kathleen Prout 29 4 1953
Richards, John to Mary Canton 29 10 1898
Richards, Stephen to Florence Phillips 26 10 1920
Ricker, Mary to William Walters 8 11 1806
Rigby, Neil to Rachel Jill Prout 27 3 1978
Roach, Benjamin to Sarah Barnet? 24 2 1816
Roberts, Alice to William Cole 31 10 1931
Roberts, John Neil to Julia Beardmore 4 7 1987
Roberts, Mary to James Hall 13 2 1802
Roberts, Philip to Margaret Thomas 27 3 1967
Roberts, Thomas to Elizabeth Thomas 31 12 1775
Roblin, George to Mary Phillips 6 1 1924
Roch, Ida to William Evans 26 4 1947
Roch, James to Mary Dawkins 1 11 1746
Roch, John to Mary Jones 19 12 1824
Roch, William to Mary Edwards 7 4 1917
Roderick, Margaret to Tristram Samuel 19 7 1928
Roger, Elizabeth to Lewis Woolcock 14 9 1725
Rogers, Catherine to David Davies 11 1 1818
Rogers, George? to Margaret Hitchings 11 8 1740
Rogers, Griffith to Mary Powell 13 3 1783
Rogers, John to Anne Couzens 21 12 1771
Rogers, Margaret to Thomas Griffiths 26 4 1932
Rogers, Maria to George Hood 27 11 1814
Rogers, Mary to John Doole 24 10 1738
Rogers, Mary to William Tucker 22 10 1774
Rogers, Robert to Sarah Clark 18 7 1818
Rogers, Thomas to Margaret Powell 27 10 1871
Rogers?, John to Elizabeth Rowe 8 3 1842
Rossiter, Bertha to Frank Morris 20 6 1918
Rossiter, Faithful to Elizabeth Price 2 11 1765
Rossiter, Manfred to Harriet Cole 31 10 1928
Rowe, Elizabeth to John Rogers? 8 3 1842
Rowe, John to Hannah Philp 10 12 1768
Rowe, Jone to Hugh Howell 27 9 1730
Rowe, Nathaniel to Rosanna Davies 23 10 1917
Rowe, Paul Andrew to Helen Elizabeth Shipton 6 10 1990
Rowlands, William to Mary James 30 5 1818
Samuel, Tristram to Margaret Roderick 19 7 1928
Saunders, Benjamin to Elizabeth Gwyther 15 8 1769
Scale, Elizabeth to Alexander Cilkin? 11 6 1780
Scoufield, Edith to James White 28 3 1918
Scourfield, George to Alice Cousins 20 12 1913
Scourfield, John to Jane Williams 27 11 1879
Scourfield, Margaret to John Evans 25 1 1883
Scourfield, Richard to Mary Leach 15 6 1754
Seer, Mary to Henry Williams 23 10 1731
Sewell, Adrian to Janice Dodd 12 2 1977
Shears, Dorothy to David Macken 6 9 1958
Shipp, David to Christine Bellamy 13 5 1972
Shipton, Helen Elizabeth to Paul Andrew Rowe 6 10 1990
Shutt, Arthur to Sheila Butler 26 3 1955
Shutt, Mabel to William James 19 6 1948
Shutt, Patricia to Graham Hay 31 10 1981
Smith, Ann to James Mathias 4 10 1834
Smith, Anne to George Thomas 10 10 1742
Smith, Carl F. Donald to Faith Lo 15 4 1963
Smith, Gwendoline to Evan Mable 11 2 1961
Smith, John to Jennifer Bowen 6 4 1985
Smith, Linda to Michael Lustig 25 10 1975
Smith, Norman to Gwendoline Mable 5 4 1986
Somers, Suzanne to Paul Morgan-Somers 8 7 1989
Spure, Carol to David Esmond 1 6 1963
Spure, Thorval to Kathleen Canton 6 9 1944
Stephens, Ann to John Williams 3 4 1875
Stephens, Frances to Thomas Hay 29 9 1838
Stephens, George to Mary Griffith 16 10 1853
Stephens, Jane to William Stephens 8 12 1832
Stephens, Sarah to John Reynolds 11 8 1861
Stephens, Thomas to Catherine Jones 3 10 1747
Stephens, William to Elizabeth Jones 9 5 1783
Stephens, William to Jane Stephens 8 12 1832
Stephens, William to Ellen James 19 12 1903
Street, David to Judith Bateman 28 6 1980
Streets, Elizabeth to William Froyne 6 10 1782
Streets, Frances to John Thomas 15 12 1743
Streets, John to Mary Hood 20 10 1737
Streets, Lettice to Henry Dawkins 5 9 1725
Streets, Sarah to Abraham Leach 10 10 1772
Sturdy, Keith to Anita Watts 4 9 1971
Summers, William to Ann Dawkins 6 8 1831
Tancred, Francis to Elizabeth Lloyd 3 1 1767
Tasker, Arthur to Anna Watkins 31 3 1900
Tasker, Henry to Jane Webb 26 11 1737
Tasker, Mary to Thomas Theaker 1 11 1870
Taylor, Joshua to Lettice Powell 17 9 1833
Teage, Lettice to John Gwyther 29 6 1789
Tenant, George to Alice Dawkins 4 6 1735
Theaker, Thomas to Mary Tasker 1 11 1870
Thomas, Ann to William Bowen 26 10 1816
Thomas, Barbara to David Adams 15 7 1961
Thomas, David to Hesther Jones 4 1 1741
Thomas, David to Elizabeth Castle 10 9 1826
Thomas, Dilys to George Burton 15 6 1955
Thomas, Elinor to Thomas Hughs 20 8 1727
Thomas, Elizabeth to Thomas Vane 30 12 1729
Thomas, Elizabeth to Richard Thomas 1 11 1752
Thomas, Elizabeth to Thomas Roberts 31 12 1775
Thomas, Elizabeth to Edward Wade 12 6 1788
Thomas, Elizabeth to George Cuthbert 14 10 1879
Thomas, Elizabeth to Joseph Williams 4 8 1906
Thomas, Eunice to Ronald James 6 8 1955
Thomas, Frances to Henry Lewis 26 8 1777
Thomas, George to Anne Smith 10 10 1742
Thomas, George to Catherine Davies 31 10 1835
Thomas, Henry to Fanny Gwyther 18 10 1888
Thomas, Jane to James Heir 4 9 1803
Thomas, John to Mary Ash 11 11 1727
Thomas, John to Frances Streets 15 12 1743
Thomas, John to Margaret Collins 7 10 1780
Thomas, John to Esther Davies 19 11 1853
Thomas, John to Mary Beynon 13 11 1861
Thomas, Lewis to Martha Picton 2 5 1804
Thomas, Margaret to William Colins 31 10 1749
Thomas, Margaret to William Hall 19 6 1853
Thomas, Margaret to William Muxworthy 16 12 1923
Thomas, Margaret to Philip Roberts 27 3 1967
Thomas, Mary to David Williams 24 11 1778
Thomas, Mary to David Mathias 20 7 1781
Thomas, Mary to Thomas Jones 24 3 1804
Thomas, Mary to John Garbatt 8 12 1828
Thomas, Mary to James Cole 17 10 1829
Thomas, Mary to William Kinnan? 1 3 1834
Thomas, Mary to Ewan Jenkins 30 8 1961
Thomas, Neil to Angela Garratt 27 8 1988
Thomas, Peter to Margaret Miles 7 4 1969
Thomas, Richard to Elizabeth Thomas 1 11 1752
Thomas, Sarah to Thomas Thomas 17 10 1829
Thomas, Thomas to Elizabeth Williams 26 1 1758
Thomas, Thomas to Catherine Duggan 13 9 1777
Thomas, Thomas to Sarah Thomas 17 10 1829
Thomas, Thomas to Margaret Morris 8 9 1883
Thomas, William to Jane Williams 20 8 1737
Tucker, Ann to John Griffiths 16 1 1842
Tucker, Elizabeth to George Lock 29 10 1786
Tucker, Elizabeth to Thomas James 12 1 1839
Tucker, John to Ann Hall 1 1 1825
Tucker, Margaret to John Lock 20 8 1786
Tucker, Martha to Daniel Evans 5 10 1839
Tucker, Mary to John Fortune 1 8 1829
Tucker, William to Mary Rogers 22 10 1774
Tucker, William to Ann Blethyn 23 12 1830
Tudge, Julia to Christian Fath 28 10 1989
Twygg, Abra to Joseph Mason 7 11 1752
Vane, Susan to John Williams 22 10 1743
Vane, Thomas to Elizabeth Thomas 30 12 1729
Vaughan, James to Anne Jones 3 3 1791
Vaughan, William to Margaret Matthias 23 10 1897
Vittle, Thomas to Jone Phillips 14 10 1738
Voyle, Ann to Peter Butler 29 5 1810
Voyle, Mary to George Davies 19 12 1809
Voyle, William to Elizabeth Owens 20 2 1766
Wade, Edward to Elizabeth Thomas 12 6 1788
Wade, Rebecca to James Williams 7 3 1807
Wade, Richard to Mary Griffith 31 1 1797
Walters, William to Mary Ricker 8 11 1806
Walters, William to Elizabeth Davies 14 12 1850
Ward, Jeremy to Anne Bowling 12 9 1964
Warlow, Dorothy to John Hughes 16 10 1790
Waters, Christopher to Janet Cox 18 9 1971
Watkins, Anna to Arthur Tasker 31 3 1900
Watkins, Hannah to Abraham Howell 6 1 1765
Watts, Anita to Keith Sturdy 4 9 1971
Watts, Frederick to Elizabeth Nicholas 4 9 1937
Watts, John to Rebecca Beynon 12 3 1857
Watts, Martha to William Phillips 6 1 1883
Watts, Mary to Thomas Bateman 2 11 1912
Watts, Rebecca Jane to Robert James Mable 12 8 1995
Weaver, John to Elizabeth Britt 19 2 1765
Webb, Benjamin to Ann Brown 9 10 1841
Webb, Francis to Anne David 16 6 1730
Webb, Jane to Henry Tasker 26 11 1737
Webb, Joseph to Frances Evans 21 10 1875
Webster, John to Ivy Garlick 17 4 1963
Weightman, George to Enid Wines 19 7 1947
Westacott, Emrys to Ruth Reynolds 29 9 1947
Whelby, Thomas to Martha Harries 29 6 1915
Whelby, Thomas to Gertrude Botham 2 12 1953
Whelling, William to Alice Dawkins 21 9 1800
White, Frances to Donald Anderson 14 11 1809
White, James to Edith Scoufield 28 3 1918
White, John to Sophie John 17 8 1873
White, Mary to Stephen Davies 5 2 1743
White, William to Elizabeth Jones 6 11 1731
Williams, Alice to Richard Williams 3 4 1777
Williams, Brian to Ann Bateman 20 10 1976
Williams, David to Mary Thomas 24 11 1778
Williams, David to Mary James 14 10 1837
Williams, Eliza to William Cole 16 7 1891
Williams, Elizabeth to Isaac Jones 3 7 1757
Williams, Elizabeth to Thomas Thomas 26 1 1758
Williams, Elizabeth to John Davis 15 7 1780
Williams, Elizabeth to James Griffiths 14 10 1893
Williams, Elizabeth to John Williams 25 4 1918
Williams, Elizabeth to Phillip Lunt 28 5 1973
Williams, Eric to Dilys Bowen 12 4 1952
Williams, George to Hanna Cadwalader 7 2 1727
Williams, George to Mary Furlong 18 1 1810
Williams, Griffith to Abra Bowen 2 10 1731
Williams, Hanna to Joshua Williams 31 1 1955
Williams, Hannah to Jason Williams 13 6 1885
Williams, Henrietta to William Griffith 6 11 1802
Williams, Henry to Mary Seer 23 10 1731
Williams, James to Margaret Duggan 22 11 1781
Williams, James to Rebecca Wade 7 3 1807
Williams, James to Elizabeth Davies 28 6 1831
Williams, Jane to William Thomas 20 8 1737
Williams, Jane to John Scourfield 27 11 1879
Williams, Jason to Hannah Williams 13 6 1885
Williams, John to Susan Vane 22 10 1743
Williams, John to Elizabeth Morrice 30 9 1749
Williams, John to Margaret Davies 17 2 1840
Williams, John to Frances Davies 26 9 1846
Williams, John to Ann Stephens 3 4 1875
Williams, John to Elizabeth Williams 25 4 1918
Williams, John to Catherine Phillips 7 9 1985
Williams, Jone to Daniel Boulsher ? 10 1734
Williams, Joseph to Elizabeth Thomas 4 8 1906
Williams, Joshua to Hanna Williams 31 1 1955
Williams, Leslie to Mary John 3 3 1973
Williams, Margaret to John Furlong 20 9 1816
Williams, Martha to James Jones 1 3 1811
Williams, Martha to William Davies 20 9 1845
Williams, Martha to William Canton 24 7 1886
Williams, Martha to Seymour Rees 20 4 1935
Williams, Mary to John Hill 17 11 1743
Williams, Mary to David Reynolds 23 7 1748
Williams, Mary to John Lawrence 8 12 1770
Williams, Mary to William Parry 10 12 1815
Williams, Mary to Thomas Evans 8 6 1920
Williams, Matthew to Elizabeth Duggan 21 4 1767
Williams, Richard to Alice Williams 3 4 1777
Williams, Richard to Violet Leonard 24 11 1934
Williams, Ronald to Olwen Mathias 30 12 1939
Williams, Thomas to Anne Edwards 9 12 1786
Williams, Thomas to Elizabeth Duggan 23 2 1788
Williams, Thomas to Margaret Davies 12 4 1828
Williams, William to Elizabeth Howell 11 11 1756
Williams, William to Alwyn Prout 30 5 1953
Wines, Enid to George Weightman 19 7 1947
Woolcock, Lewis to Elizabeth Roger 14 9 1725
Wright, Anne to Richard Carrow 12 5 1771
Young, Harold to Winifred Phillips 4 11 1926
Young, Hubert to Mavis Prout 31 1 1950
Young, William to Elizabeth Davies 10 4 1915