St. Twynnells Church - Marriage Register
?, ? to Alice Dawkins 29 12 1749
?, ? to John Griffiths 9 8 1823
?, Elizabeth to John Cole 1828
?, Hesther to David? Thomas 7 5 1736
?, Mary to Benjamin Beynon 23 11 1816
Adams, John to Lucy Neynoe 22 6 1869
Adams, Margaret to George Lloyd 29 3 1869
Allen, ? to Martha Laurence 31 ?1 1822
Andrew, Richard to Joan Gough 13 11 1753
Bamkin, William to Martha Stephens 27 9 1857
Barezey, Thomas to Elizabeth Husband 6 11 1788
Barten, John to Anne Nicholas 12 11 1782
Baumann, Dirk to Vanessa Thomas 14 11 1987
Bazzy, Thomas to Maria Griffiths 27 8 1818
Bennett, George to Jane (widow) Moody 16 10 1806
Bevan, William to Anne Williams 21 4 1863
Beynon, Benjamin to Mary ? 23 11 1816
Beynon, David to Elizabeth Thomas 9 12 1893
Beynon, Edith to William Stephens 12 11 1921
Beynon, Evelyn to Frederick Dyson 27 10 1917
Beynon, Janet to David Thomas 3 2 1934
Beynon, John to Dilys Bowen 6 2 1937
Beynon, Joseph to Priscilla Evans 1 8 1841
Beynon, Margaret to George Blizzard 14 9 1865
Beynon, Martha to William Harris 26 1 1924
Bird, Rosemary to Meurig Davies 4 9 1982
Blair, William to Barbara Tasker 23 12 1950
Blizzard, George to Margaret Beynon 14 9 1865
Blumsden, George to Muriel Phillpotts 25 9 1965
Bowen, Dilys to John Beynon 6 2 1937
Bowen, Mary to William Thomas 16 10 1830
Bowen, Michael to Anne Llewellyn 2 10 1860
Bowen, Owen to Martha James 17 8 1833
Bowling, Ann to John Morgan 24 11 1786
Bowling, Frances to Charles Campbell 23 9 1786
Bowling, John to Catherine Davis 9 2 1878
Bowling (Mrs.), Joan to John Dunn 9 2 1740
Boyett, Arthur to Winifred Williams 31 1 1920
Brace, George to Annie Williams 18 4 1936
Brace, Thomas to Sarah Jenkins 2 4 1812
Brewer, William to Sheila Stanton 17 8 1956
Brickell, Nigel to Helen Minchin 27 9 1980
Brinn, Arthur to Mabel Williams 7 4 1928
Brown, William to Frances Williams 16 1 1828
Brunning, John to Ann Owens 12 10 1782
Burlow, Terence to Hilda Mason 5 8 1967
Butler, Nicholas to Alice Russan 20 11 1784
Campbell, Charles to Frances Bowling 23 9 1786
Clark, Richard to Mary Thomas 23 1 1779
Codd, Griffith to Elizabeth Llewheling 24 1 1745
Cole, Benjamin to Ann Harris 29 5 1846
Cole, Debra to Peter Tischner 7 7 1990
Cole, Debra Ann to Peter Tischner 7 7 1990
Cole, George to Margaret Lewis 5 8 1826
Cole, John to Elizabeth ? 1828
Colley, Judith to Michael Tompkinson 23 12 1963
Collins, James to Mary Laurence 31 10 1801
Crew, Stanley to Gladys Roberts 5 8 1925
Davies, Daniel to Ellen Williams 30 9 1875
Davies, James to Jane Davies 2 10 1779
Davies, Jane to James Davies 2 10 1779
Davies, John to Ann Jones 23 4 1743
Davies, Joseph to Sarah Jones 27 4 1745
Davies, Martha to James Vaughan 10 11 1790
Davies, Martha to William Hicks 11 11 1843
Davies, Martha to Richard Rees 30 7 1904
Davies, Meurig to Rosemary Bird 4 9 1982
Davies, Reginald to Agnes Stephens 28 6 1927
Davies, Stephen to Mary Marchant 29 4 1779
Davies, William to Sarah Owens 1 9 1855
Davis, Catherine to John Bowling 9 2 1878
Davis, Hannah to George Jones 8 10 1825
Davis, William to Mary Richards 21 11 1829
Dawkins, Alice to ? ? 29 12 1749
Dawkins, James to Elizabeth Philipps 26 12 1810
Dawkins, John to Martha Edwards 15 10 1864
Dawkins, Thomas to Mary Thomas 8 2 1749
Denzey, John to Martha Morris 20 5 1876
Dogan, Humphrey to Ann John 17 5 1737
Dubberling, John to Mary Jones 29 11 1800
Dunn, Jane (Mrs.) to Benjamin Ferrier 30 12 1740
Dunn, John to Joan Bowling (Mrs.) 9 2 1740
Dyson, Elizabeth to Brian Griffiths 31 8 1968
Dyson, Frederick to Evelyn Beynon 27 10 1917
Edwards, Martha to John Dawkins 15 10 1864
Edwards, Rebecca to William Hall 26 12 1828
Edwards, Thomas to Sarah Thomas 20 4 1844
Edwards, William to Ann Lewis 23 10 1821
Esmond, Thomas to Margaret Williams 26 9 1931
Evans, Abraham to Alice Williams 20 ? 1820
Evans, Elizabeth to George Lewis 8 4 1843
Evans, Elizabeth to William Thomas 11 12 1897
Evans, Evan to Jane Thomas 29 5 1791
Evans, James to Elizabeth Owens 13 12 1877
Evans, Mary to William Fields 18 2 1843
Evans, Noah to Jane Owens 28 6 1884
Evans, Priscilla to Joseph Beynon 1 8 1841
Evans, Samuel to Maria Griffiths 12 6 1802
Evans, Thomas to Alice Hall 6 6 1880
Ferrier, Benjamin to Jane (Mrs.) Dunn 30 12 1740
Fields, William to Mary Evans 18 2 1843
Fleury, Jean to Esther Hayley 19 8 1838
Fortune, Elizabeth to James Oakley 28 4 1835
Fortune, Mary to John Scurlock 6 9 1823
Freeman, Elizabeth to William Jones 13 5 1749
Furlon, John to Margaret Jones 1 5 1784
Furlong, John to Mary John 24 1 1843
Furlong, Margaret to Henry Rogers 24 9 1792
Gascoigne, William to Ann Howells 1 2 1887
Gibbon, Thomas to Elizabeth Richards 26 4 1873
Gibbs, Jane to Philip Hood? 31 12 1827
Godfrey-Thomas, Cecil to Eileen Town 11 5 1943
Gough, Alice to George Williams 8 10 1748
Gough, Joan to Richard Andrew 13 11 1753
Gough, Joseph to Anne Owens 25 10 1884
Gough, Ruby to William Smith 26 12 1931
Gray, Edward to Ailsa Pemberton 7 9 1956
Griffith, Elizabeth to Henry Lewis 10 10 1799
Griffith, John to Martha Macken 7 5 1803
Griffith, William to Elizabeth Poyer 14 9 1735
Griffiths, Ann to James Stephens 2 7 1842
Griffiths, Anna to John Owen 10 5 1856
Griffiths, Brian to Elizabeth Dyson 31 8 1968
Griffiths, Frederick to Frances Thomas 14 3 1903
Griffiths, George to Martha Thomas 24 11 1815
Griffiths, John to ? ? 9 8 1823
Griffiths, John to Sarah Lewis 27 10 1827
Griffiths, Margaret to Frederick Trusler 6 11 1954
Griffiths, Maria to Samuel Evans 12 6 1802
Griffiths, Maria to Thomas Bazzy 27 8 1818
Griffiths, Mary to David Lawrence 14 12 1841
Griffiths, Priscilla to Evan Thomas 11 2 1823
Griffiths, Thomas to Ann Williams 26 3 1826
Griffiths, William to Elizabeth Richards 23 6 1850
Grimes, Ronald to Miriam Kearle 5 8 1955
Gwyther, David to Marjorie Mason 12 8 1950
Gwyther, John to Lydia Vaughan 13 3 1897
Hall, Alice to Thomas Evans 6 6 1880
Hall, James to Sophia Scourfield 3 11 1832
Hall, James to Elizabeth Thomas 21 10 1862
Hall, Mary to James John 1 12 1855
Hall, Mary to Jason Williams 14 11 1857
Hall, William to Rebecca Edwards 26 12 1828
Hancock, George to Mary Stephens 5 1 1957
Harries, George to Ann Lewis 7 3 1835
Harries, William to Ann Jones 20 7 1776
Harries, William to Mary Lewis 29 9 1860
Harris, Ann to Benjamin Cole 29 5 1846
Harris, James to Alice Hodge 7 9 1837
Harris, William to Martha Beynon 26 1 1924
Harry, Griffith to Mary Philips 28 10 1780
Hathway, Frederick to Frances Stephens 4 12 1920
Hayley, Esther to Jean Fleury 19 8 1838
Hicks, George to Elizabeth Owen 13 10 1866
Hicks, William to Martha Davies 11 11 1843
Hier, Sarah to James Roblin 3 11 1888
Hitchings, George to Frances Thomas 27 7 1808
Hitchings, Joseph to Elizabeth Thomas 27 4 1809
Hitchings, Paul to Mary Loggan 10 2 1747
Hitchings, Thomas to Alice Thomas 11 8 1810
Hodge, Abraham to Alice Wiliams 2 5 1779
Hodge, Alice to James Harris 7 9 1837
Hood, Elizabeth to William Lowless 8 2 1787
Hood?, Philip to Jane Gibbs 31 12 1827
Hoplow, Margaret to John Thomas 17 11 1781
Howell, Joseph to Elizabeth Lewis 2 7 1780
Howells, Ann to William Gascoigne 1 2 1887
Howells, Charles to Eliza Rees 17 8 1867
Howells, Jane to William Williams 18 9 1808
Howells, Margaret to Arthur Thomas 17 11 1894
Hunt, Emlyn to Ellen Thomas 11 12 1907
Hunt, Morfydd to Sydney Wyeth 28 10 1939
Husband, Elizabeth to Thomas Barezey 6 11 1788
James, Ann to Thomas Thomas 1 11 1828
James, Jane to Robert Nash 6 ? 1791
James, John to Mary Morris 29 4 1879
James, Martha to Owen Bowen 17 8 1833
James, Mary to John Morgan 10 10 1792
James, Mary to Peter Johns 17 2 1866
James, William to Rebecca Jenkins 18 6 1853
James?, William to Ann Merriman 1 ? 1829
Jenkins, Elizabeth to James Mathias 2 8 1806
Jenkins, John to Ann Thomas 6 11 1886
Jenkins, Rebecca to William James 18 6 1853
Jenkins, Sarah to Thomas Brace 2 4 1812
John, Ann to Humphrey Dogan 17 5 1737
John, Anne to Thomas Reynolds 5 12 1846
John, James to Elizabeth Jones 15 11 1804
John, James to Mary Hall 1 12 1855
John, Mary to James Vaughan 4 10 1777
John, Mary to John Furlong 24 1 1843
John, Nancy to Thomas Williams 9 6 1945
John, William to Mary Rogers 16 4 1836
John, William to Mary Kenna 13 10 1881
Johns, Peter to Mary James 17 2 1866
Jones, Ann to John Davies 23 4 1743
Jones, Ann to William Harries 20 7 1776
Jones, Daniel to Letticia Lewis 6 6 1835
Jones, Edgar to Eliza Scale 31 10 1911
Jones, Elizabeth to James John 15 11 1804
Jones, Esther to John Richards 27 6 1931
Jones, George to Hannah Davis 8 10 1825
Jones, Hannah to George Owens 13 7 1844
Jones, Henry to Margaret Venable 4 10 1792
Jones, Jane to Rees Jones 21 1 1776
Jones, Jane to James Lowless 11 12 1788
Jones, John to Margaret Williams 24 11 1744
Jones, Margaret to John Furlon 1 5 1784
Jones, Martha to John Thomas 22 3 1873
Jones, Mary to John Sommers? 1 12 1738
Jones, Mary to John Dubberling 29 11 1800
Jones, Rees to Jane Jones 21 1 1776
Jones, Sarah to Joseph Davies 27 4 1745
Jones, William to Elizabeth Freeman 13 5 1749
Jordan, William to Elsie Nicholas 1 12 1923
Kearle, Miriam to Ronald Grimes 5 8 1955
Kenna, Mary to William John 13 10 1881
Knethell, George to Elizabeth Morris 7 1 1879
Laurence, Martha to ? Allen 31 ?1 1822
Laurence, Mary to James Collins 31 10 1801
Lawrence, David to Mary Griffiths 14 12 1841
Lawrence, Elizabeth to Griffith Owens 24 11 1792
Lewis, Ann to John Loogin 18 11 1779
Lewis, Ann to William Edwards 23 10 1821
Lewis, Ann to George Harries 7 3 1835
Lewis, Anne to William Thomas 21 6 1856
Lewis, Elizabeth to Joseph Howell 2 7 1780
Lewis, George to Elizabeth Evans 8 4 1843
Lewis, Henry to Elizabeth Griffith 10 10 1799
Lewis, John to Mary Thomas 6 10 1803
Lewis, John to Elizabeth Owens 22 7 1855
Lewis, Letticia to Daniel Jones 6 6 1835
Lewis, Margaret to George Cole 5 8 1826
Lewis, Martha to Thomas Llewellin 9 2 1839
Lewis, Mary to Thomas Lewis 9 12 1856
Lewis, Mary to William Harries 29 9 1860
Lewis, Sarah to John Griffiths 27 10 1827
Lewis, Thomas to Mary Lewis 9 12 1856
Lhwhellin, Elizabeth to Thomas Sumers 13 5 1792
Lilwall, Morris to Rosalie Minchin 3 7 1971
Llewellin, Thomas to Martha Lewis 9 2 1839
Llewellyn, Anne to Michael Bowen 2 10 1860
Llewheling, Elizabeth to Griffith Codd 24 1 1745
Llewhellin, Pierce to Mary Roberts 15 1 1839
Lloyd, George to Margaret Adams 29 3 1869
Lloyd, John to Jane Thomas 1 10 1808
Lloyd, Martha to Francis Richards 29 9 1846
Loggan, Mary to Paul Hitchings 10 2 1747
Login, Frances to William Thomas 6 10 1831
Long, Arthur to Jane Phillips 19 4 1910
Long, Jane to Henry Moody 25 9 1798
Loogin, Jane to John Watkins 21 12 1776
Loogin, John to Ann Lewis 18 11 1779
Lowless, James to Jane Jones 11 12 1788
Lowless, William to Elizabeth Hood 8 2 1787
MacIntire, James to Anne Mathias 8 9 1805
Macken, Martha to John Griffith 7 5 1803
Macken, Thomas to Elizabeth Walters 9 10 1841
Marchant, Mary to Stephen Davies 29 4 1779
Mason, Ann to Thomas Thomas 12 11 1774
Mason, Doris to John Page 17 4 1954
Mason, Hilda to Terence Burlow 5 8 1967
Mason, Marjorie to David Gwyther 12 8 1950
Mason, William to Edwina Rees 30 10 1965
Mathias, Anne to James MacIntire 8 9 1805
Mathias, James to Elizabeth Jenkins 2 8 1806
Mathias, Mary to William Roberts 18 9 1810
Merriman, Ann to William James? 1 ? 1829
Merriman, Jane to Benjamin Welsh 3 11 1827
Minchin, Helen to Nigel Brickell 27 9 1980
Minchin, John to Alice Roberts 18 10 1941
Minchin, Roger to Elizabeth Secrett 19 4 1975
Minchin, Rosalie to Morris Lilwall 3 7 1971
Moody, Henry to Jane Long 25 9 1798
Moody, Jane (widow) to George Bennett 16 10 1806
Moody, Mary to Thomas Westlake 8 4 1828
Morgan, John to Ann Bowling 24 11 1786
Morgan, John to Mary James 10 10 1792
Morgan, John to Sarah Thomas 22 10 1842
Morgan, Robert to Eleanor Roberts 28 7 1926
Morgans, Ellen to Thomas Skyrme 30 6 1881
Morris, Elizabeth to George Knethell 7 1 1879
Morris, John to Eliza Oakley 4 10 1869
Morris, Martha to John Denzey 20 5 1876
Morris, Mary to John James 29 4 1879
Morris, Mary to Henry Tipping 10 9 1887
Morris, Richard to Mary Roberts 28 4 1948
Morse, Joseph to Mary Wilkinson 13 2 1796
Nash, Robert to Jane James 6 ? 1791
Neynoe, Lucy to John Adams 22 6 1869
Nicholas, Ada to Thomas Smith 2 11 1929
Nicholas, Anne to John Barten 12 11 1782
Nicholas, Elsie to William Jordan 1 12 1923
Oakley, Eliza to John Morris 4 10 1869
Oakley, James to Elizabeth Fortune 28 4 1835
Owen, Elizabeth to George Hicks 13 10 1866
Owen, Ellen to George Price 31 7 1831
Owen, John to Anna Griffiths 10 5 1856
Owens, Ann to John Brunning 12 10 1782
Owens, Anne to Joseph Gough 25 10 1884
Owens, Elizabeth to John Lewis 22 7 1855
Owens, Elizabeth to James Evans 13 12 1877
Owens, George to Hannah Jones 13 7 1844
Owens, Griffith to Elizabeth Lawrence 24 11 1792
Owens, Jane to Noah Evans 28 6 1884
Owens, Margaret to John Richards 3 5 1884
Owens, Martha to William Owens 28 2 1884
Owens, Sarah to William Davies 1 9 1855
Owens, William to Martha Owens 28 2 1884
Page, John to Doris Mason 17 4 1954
Pemberton, Ailsa to Edward Gray 7 9 1956
Philipps, Elizabeth to James Dawkins 26 12 1810
Philips, Jane to John Thomas 19 7 1747
Philips, Martha to George Roberts 18 3 1784
Philips, Mary to Griffith Harry 28 10 1780
Phillips, Jane to Arthur Long 19 4 1910
Phillips, John to Johanna Williams 5 1 1782
Phillips, Percival to Annie Williams 23 6 1928
Phillips, Pierce to Mary Thomas 28 8 1877
Phillpotts, Muriel to George Blumsden 25 9 1965
Potter, ? to Susan? Thomas 1816
Powell, Elizabeth to John Roblin 16 4 1887
Poyer, Elizabeth to William Griffith 14 9 1735
Price, George to Ellen Owen 31 7 1831
Pridy, Margaret to Henry Prout 23 10 1779
Prout, Henry to Margaret Pridy 23 10 1779
Raymond, William to Martha Thomas 21 11 1807
Rees, Edwina to William Mason 30 10 1965
Rees, Eliza to Charles Howells 17 8 1867
Rees, James to Eliza Roach 25 2 1854
Rees, John to Mary Williams 17 2 1844
Rees, Richard to Martha Davies 30 7 1904
Reynolds, Thomas to Anne John 5 12 1846
Richards, Elizabeth to William Griffiths 23 6 1850
Richards, Elizabeth to Thomas Gibbon 26 4 1873
Richards, Francis to Martha Lloyd 29 9 1846
Richards, Janet (widow) to Joseph Richards 14 9 1867
Richards, John to Margaret Owens 3 5 1884
Richards, John to Esther Jones 27 6 1931
Richards, Joseph to Janet (widow) Richards 14 9 1867
Richards, Martha to Thomas Smith 13 11 1847
Richards, Mary to William Davis 21 11 1829
Richards, Phoebe to Hans Wulff 8 5 1948
Roach, Eliza to James Rees 25 2 1854
Roberts, Alice to Sidney Thomas 23 4 1924
Roberts, Alice to John Minchin 18 10 1941
Roberts, Eleanor to Robert Morgan 28 7 1926
Roberts, Evelyn to Walter Russell 3 9 1913
Roberts, George to Martha Philips 18 3 1784
Roberts, Gladys to Stanley Crew 5 8 1925
Roberts, Lilian to John Russell 31 10 1917
Roberts, Mary to Pierce Llewhellin 15 1 1839
Roberts, Mary to Richard Morris 28 4 1948
Roberts, Muriel to Walter Russell 27 11 1928
Roberts, William to Mary Mathias 18 9 1810
Roblin, James to Sarah Hier 3 11 1888
Roblin, John to Elizabeth Powell 16 4 1887
Rogers, Henry to Margaret Furlong 24 9 1792
Rogers, Mary to William John 16 4 1836
Russan, Alice to Nicholas Butler 20 11 1784
Russell, John to Lilian Roberts 31 10 1917
Russell, Walter to Evelyn Roberts 3 9 1913
Russell, Walter to Muriel Roberts 27 11 1928
Scale, Eliza to Edgar Jones 31 10 1911
Scourfield, Sophia to James Hall 3 11 1832
Scurlock, John to Mary Fortune 6 9 1823
Secrett, Elizabeth to Roger Minchin 19 4 1975
Skyrme, Thomas to Ellen Morgans 30 6 1881
Smith, Thomas to Martha Richards 13 11 1847
Smith, Thomas to Ada Nicholas 2 11 1929
Smith, William to Ruby Gough 26 12 1931
Smyth, Ann to Thomas Webb 11 10 1806
Smyth, Ellen to Evan Stephens 12 2 1826
Smyth, George to Mary Young 25 4 1805
Sommers?, John to Mary Jones 1 12 1738
Stanton, Sheila to William Brewer 17 8 1956
Stephens, Agnes to Reginald Davies 28 6 1927
Stephens, Evan to Ellen Smyth 12 2 1826
Stephens, Frances to Frederick Hathway 4 12 1920
Stephens, James to Ann Griffiths 2 7 1842
Stephens, John to Elizabeth Williams 17 6 1826
Stephens, Martha to William Bamkin 27 9 1857
Stephens, Mary to George Hancock 5 1 1957
Stephens, William to Edith Beynon 12 11 1921
Sumers, Thomas to Elizabeth Lhwhellin 13 5 1792
Tasker, Barbara to William Blair 23 12 1950
Thomas, Alice to Thomas Hitchings 11 8 1810
Thomas, Alice to Frederick Thomas 31 10 1907
Thomas, Ann to John Thomas 10 8 1783
Thomas, Ann to John Jenkins 6 11 1886
Thomas, Arthur to Margaret Howells 17 11 1894
Thomas, David to Janet Beynon 3 2 1934
Thomas, David? to Hesther ? 7 5 1736
Thomas, Dora to Frederick Thomas 22 2 1936
Thomas, Elizabeth to Joseph Hitchings 27 4 1809
Thomas, Elizabeth to James Hall 21 10 1862
Thomas, Elizabeth to David Beynon 9 12 1893
Thomas, Ellen to Emlyn Hunt 11 12 1907
Thomas, Evan to Priscilla Griffiths 11 2 1823
Thomas, Frances to George Hitchings 27 7 1808
Thomas, Frances to Frederick Griffiths 14 3 1903
Thomas, Frederick to Alice Thomas 31 10 1907
Thomas, Frederick to Dora Thomas 22 2 1936
Thomas, Jane to Evan Evans 29 5 1791
Thomas, Jane to John Lloyd 1 10 1808
Thomas, John to Jane Philips 19 7 1747
Thomas, John to Margaret Hoplow 17 11 1781
Thomas, John to Ann Thomas 10 8 1783
Thomas, John to Martha Jones 22 3 1873
Thomas, Martha to William Raymond 21 11 1807
Thomas, Martha to George Griffiths 24 11 1815
Thomas, Mary to Thomas Dawkins 8 2 1749
Thomas, Mary to Richard Clark 23 1 1779
Thomas, Mary to John Lewis 6 10 1803
Thomas, Mary to Pierce Phillips 28 8 1877
Thomas, Sarah to John Morgan 22 10 1842
Thomas, Sarah to Thomas Edwards 20 4 1844
Thomas, Sidney to Alice Roberts 23 4 1924
Thomas, Susan? to ? Potter 1816
Thomas, Thomas to Ann Mason 12 11 1774
Thomas, Thomas to Ann James 1 11 1828
Thomas, Thomas to Priscilla Williams 9 9 1920
Thomas, Vanessa to Dirk Baumann 14 11 1987
Thomas, William to Mary Bowen 16 10 1830
Thomas, William to Frances Login 6 10 1831
Thomas, William to Anne Lewis 21 6 1856
Thomas, William to Eliza Williams 27 12 1859
Thomas, William to Elizabeth Evans 11 12 1897
Tipping, Henry to Mary Morris 10 9 1887
Tischner, Peter to Debra Cole 7 7 1990
Tischner, Peter to Debra Ann Cole 7 7 1990
Tompkinson, Michael to Judith Colley 23 12 1963
Town, Eileen to Cecil Godfrey-Thomas 11 5 1943
Trusler, Frederick to Emmeline Williams 19 4 1927
Trusler, Frederick to Margaret Griffiths 6 11 1954
Vaughan, James to Mary John 4 10 1777
Vaughan, James to Martha Davies 10 11 1790
Vaughan, Lydia to John Gwyther 13 3 1897
Venable, Margaret to Henry Jones 4 10 1792
Walters, Elizabeth to Thomas Macken 9 10 1841
Watkins, John to Jane Loogin 21 12 1776
Webb, Thomas to Ann Smyth 11 10 1806
Welsh, Benjamin to Jane Merriman 3 11 1827
Westlake, Thomas to Mary Moody 8 4 1828
Wilkinson, Mary to Joseph Morse 13 2 1796
Williams, Alice to Abraham Hodge 2 5 1779
Williams, Alice to Abraham Evans 20 ? 1820
Williams, Ann to Thomas Griffiths 26 3 1826
Williams, Anne to William Bevan 21 4 1863
Williams, Annie to Percival Phillips 23 6 1928
Williams, Annie to George Brace 18 4 1936
Williams, Eliza to William Thomas 27 12 1859
Williams, Elizabeth to William Williams 27 7 1786
Williams, Elizabeth to John Stephens 17 6 1826
Williams, Elizabeth to George Williams 9 10 1841
Williams, Ellen to Daniel Davies 30 9 1875
Williams, Emmeline to Frederick Trusler 19 4 1927
Williams, Frances to William Brown 16 1 1828
Williams, George to Alice Gough 8 10 1748
Williams, George to Elizabeth Williams 9 10 1841
Williams, Jason to Mary Hall 14 11 1857
Williams, Johanna to John Phillips 5 1 1782
Williams, Mabel to Arthur Brinn 7 4 1928
Williams, Margaret to John Jones 24 11 1744
Williams, Margaret to Thomas Esmond 26 9 1931
Williams, Mary to John Rees 17 2 1844
Williams, Priscilla to Thomas Thomas 9 9 1920
Williams, Thomas to Nancy John 9 6 1945
Williams, William to Elizabeth Williams 27 7 1786
Williams, William to Jane Howells 18 9 1808
Williams, Winifred to Arthur Boyett 31 1 1920
Wulff, Hans to Phoebe Richards 8 5 1948
Wyeth, Sydney to Morfydd Hunt 28 10 1939
Young, Mary to George Smyth 25 4 1805